Stuff for me to tell

Jun 15, 2004 17:43

So i havent posted any stuff that i have wrtten lately so ..

"We need to talk"

I don’t like the way you look at me

If I didn’t think of you so highly I would have slapped that look

Right off your face.

If you didn’t have so much esteem for me you would have left me a long time ago

Maybe you should have.

But right now I’m ready not to

Right now I’m ready

Right now.

And sooner or later I will be but never the less

Right now always comes later than sooner

Nothing ever seems right with you and

I am sorry

Maybe its you, but lets blame me anyway

It might make me feel better to know that I lied to you for your “own good”

How can I expect to give any false testimony at my own trial, your prosecution is strong

And I never liked politics anyway

So if justice is blind..

Why does it always seem to see you in its favor

I lied to myself, and in the process you

I mislead and I am sorry

I was blind and I am sorry

I took you for granted and I am sorry

I pretended to be in ….

I’m in love with some one else , and I am sorry

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