Oct 31, 2003 01:12
For some reason it slipped my mind that tonight was Devils night. Now allow me to play Devils Advocate, and say, "Devils night rules!" That's however coming strictly from the point of view of me being a Devils advocate, and doesn't nescisarily reflect my actual views regarding the Devil or any nights that may or may not be related to him or his minions.
Hijinks are abound on this night, and highjinks are fun, but what's not fun is Arson, arson is fucking stupid and if you ask me anyone who does that shit needs to be slapped across the nose like some unruly puppy who has no grasp of the concept of what that Newpaper in the other room is for. However, allow me to play the Devils Advocate once more and say that "Arson Rules!".
Now asuming the the aformentioned statement is true and asuming that I am in fact someone who participates in Pyromanical activities, asuming that, and keep in mind that this question is and alway will be rhetorical. Asuming I'm an Arsonist,, always remember asuming... do you think with all that modern techno DNA, carbon dating bullshit that they could catch me if I were to set a fire, say just for example, somewhere in California? If they could that would suck...hypothetically.