
Nov 07, 2008 10:07

Today I've begun the process of making an appointment to see a psychologist. Lately, I have been feeling a great deal of stress, and I feel I need a stranger to talk to and blow off some steam. Work has been hell... loads of stress caused by corporate BS, pressure from customers, upper management and co-workers.

Last night I nearly went postal on my newly-repaired Xbox 360. I expected to relax and play some video games to try and let some of the stress melt off of me, but none of my downloaded games were cooperating. I couldn't even play them unless I was connected to my Xbox live online. Turns out, after three or four hours of ranting and raving and three calls to India, I figured it out with the help of a friend I was chatting with online; the DRM on the games kicked in. Turns out the Xbox I got back was not in fact the one I sent to be repaired, and the downloaded games are licensed to the console, not the hard drive. So I was pointed to a license transfer tool on, one you can only use once ever 12 months, to transfer the licenses to the new console. I redownloaded the games, and they're good to go now. But my stress meter was off the scale, so I just went to bed.

So here I am today, still stressed out, and it's not getting any better. I'm lashing out at people, being negative, my mood's shot. It's affecting my job performance, and it's most assuredly affecting my art, as I can't seem to muster up the mnotivation to draw. This is a serious problem for me, and I need some help.
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