Nov 05, 2008 10:38
Now that the election is over for 2008, it is as one more chapter of American history has been finished, with another just starting. It is indeed a historic election, representing a new age not only for our country, but for the world, as a black man has been elected US President for the first time in history. To me, this signals a major shift in overall public attitude in regards to just what an American is. To me, this country was founded by outcasts, wanting to form their own government, and accepting of other people from other places wanting the same thing. But it didn't turn out that way, and I'm happy to see things are finally changing.
On the other hand, I am disappointed to see that bigotry and discrimination still reigns in California. Prop 8 has passed, and it is now no longer legal for gays to marry in California. Although the leader of the "Yes on 8" campaign has said that "it was never about discrimination", that is exactly what it was all about, regardless of what he may say. Marriage is a sacred vow between two people who love each other, whether they're the same sex or a man and a woman. "Yes on 8" represents a selfish desire to deny one group of people this special right; and contrary to what "Yes on 8" says, marriage and civil unions do _not_ represent the same thing, it is still drawing a line. This seems to me to be a similar idea to blacks and whites having separate bathrooms during the days of segregation. Yes, blacks could still use the bathroom, just as long as they used the "black" bathroom. Marriage and civil unions represents the same thing. "You can have the same rights, you just can't be married. That's for straight people."
Look, folks: people just want to be entitled to the same rights that other people enjoy. It's time to finally let go of the old bigotries and prejudices that have plagued our people for centuries. We've already come so far, let's keep moving forward, not backward.