Post prompt ideas...

Oct 17, 2009 12:17

pinkygoldfish had such a great idea, posting prompts, that I thought I'd do a mod post seeking more -- I think the ones from that post are mainly all being written already, yay!

This isn't formal at all -- no need to "claim," and more than one person can write any prompt that comes in. This is just for inspiration.

Personally I kind of want to write one more KradamKiss, and could use a bunch of prompts to get my creative juices flowing. No guarantee that I'll write one, but you never know, and I'll bet there are a lot of people out there in the same position.:)

So, prompt ideas? Post them here! Remember, we're seeking friendship kisses, too. Also, kisses don't have to be on mouths -- just sayin'.

Reminder: this round of the fest ends at 11:50 p.m. Tuesday the 20th.

ETA: Artists, can we get some art in here?!?! *puppy eyes* You KNOW you want to! <333

admin, admin: prompts

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