Oct 10, 2004 12:25
first and foremost, i must make a mention to the fact that the Dresden Dolls rock my world, its something very different, along the lines [in originality] of the white stripes. its only a chick [vocals, piano] and a dude [drums] and they are amazing.
okay, now that-that's out of the way...
thursday after work i decided i was going to go down to kansas city and catch nate and kim's fetish troupe perform and even stay the night with them. this was not the case. my car decided to FUCKING BREAK DOWN AGAIN and this time it wasnt in maryville but in the south end of st. joe. for those of you who don't exactly know, that's about an hour and 20 minutes away from maryville. maybe a little less. so i popped the hood and there were fucking flames shooting up out of my engine. no. i shit you not. seeing as how i was parked at a gas-pump i decided the best thing to do was yank a jug of water from behind my seat ;) and put that mother fucker out. so yeah, i did, but it kept smoking and shit. before long the lady working at the fuel desk came out and was like, you can't leave this here, i saw smoke. i said, "damn, smoke? man there were flames!!!" and that immediately got her attention. so she ended up helping me push it off into a parking spot and then even gave me a lift to a motel. so i stopped by a gas-station after getting my room, got a couple 40's and a pack of smokes, and got messed up in my room. i can't handle this kind of stress. its not that im an alcoholic and that's how i deal with it, i didn't have any bud and pharmacy meds were too far away to go get. turns out my oil burning engine is none other than a piece of shit OIL-LEAKING WHORE! so now i have to dump oil into it every day and check the oil every day and put out a fire every day if i want to keep driving it. fuck that, i'll stick to my bicycle. sorry kim and nate, i really tried to be there. it's going to cost 400$ to fix everything on the car, and that's provided that the motor isn't fucked up from a lack of oil in it. oh, by the way, i just got the oil changed the day before i broke down again. i fucking hate that car.
on a moore positive note... heh heh, pardon the pun.
Michael Moore gave a speech at the campus yesterday and it was fucking phenominal. there were protesters outside the stadium gates and everything. i wish i could have taped it or something for you people to listen to it, but it was a once in a lifetime event. so naturally i blew off going to work. didn't call them or anything. in fact, i think i was supposed to be at work almost 5 hours ago, but i'm just going to go in-in 2 1/2 hours and let it work itself out naturally. i mean, c'mon, it was FUCKIN MICHAEL MOORE! fuck my job anyway, all i do is cator to retards and clean up their shit... literally (shudder). oh, and tonite, band practice, oh yea.