clearly I'm insane. (SGA rooms)

Aug 11, 2005 23:22

EDIT: AUG 24 2006 - The pictures weren't working, so I reuploaded them, and then added some new rooms.
EDIT: AUG 25 2006 - I added more rooms.
EDIT: SEPT 18 2006 - Added mess hall, labs and infirmary.
EDIT: OCT 16 2006 - Added stuff up to 3.10, mostly in the non-living quarters section.

No really. I just spent longer than I should have thinking about the apartments/living quarters on Stargate Atlantis. Now here's the post about it.
The reason I started thinking about their bedrooms is because I saw a banner that lindir_jax made that had a picture close to this one, and I noticed the blocks covering Sheppard's windows.

This post could perhaps help with writing? getting rooms accurate and all.


1.01 Rising
Beckett's place

or at least his mom's kitchen.

Simon's place

Nothing special here.

1.03 Hide & Seek
Sheppard's room

I'm calling this his first room, because later in 1.18, his room is different. Anyway, notice that his window appears to be covered with, what are these called, cinder blocks or something? Whatever, he has blocks covering his window. Now, were those just leftover/already there from the Ancients or did the expedition bring them along, and for what purpose? Why are there blocks covering his window!? Does he not like sunlight? Now in this scene we get a pretty good look at the whole room, and it's just that, one room. He has some crap by the door I can't make out and a desk. Off topic, Weir says his one personal item was the football game, but he is reading a book. Is that two items, or do they have a library they brought along or something? And is that another book next to him, under the light? At first I thought it might be a laptop, but in this scene you see his laptop on the desk. So what is it?! And on the other side of the bed is another side table/lamp, and what looks like another book or magazine. Although I'm choosing to believe that Joe just left his lines on the table and no one noticed.

In 1.03 we also get a brief look at Ford's room, but it also looks different than the one shown in 1.18, so I'm just gonna go with the thought that the rooms shown in Hide & Seek are just temporary ones. Halling and Jinto are also sleeping in a room that just appears to have two beds, so I think temporary rooms works.

1.09 Home
McKay's apartment

I know this is not real, but he eats food that's been in his apartment for months. yeah.

Sheppard's bachelor pad

His fake bachelor pad cracks me up. Why does he have that plant? Is it a fern? That's what I want to call it. And the Johnny Cash poster!

Whyyyyyy does he have a pineapple?! Why? He's controlling his environment and he makes a pineapple!?
Hee, I've been informed many times over that the pineapple is apparently an inside joke on Stargate?

1.18 The Gift
In The Gift we get brief looks at Teyla, Ford and Sheppard's rooms, which I'm assuming are their permanent quarters now, since Teyla's is the same in 2.04.

Ford's room

Is that those cinder block things again? Are they covering his window now? Anyway Ford has his gear by his bed for easy access and a desk I'm guessing, and is that a comic book? It appears that his room is not that big, but I'm just guessing. Wonder what his personal item was? or uh, was that mentioned already?

Sheppard's room

Here Sheppard seems to have a bigger room than before, but I'm guessing not by much. It still seems small compared to the ones shown in 2.04. When Teyla walks into his room, his bed is right there. You can see his Johnny Cash poster, which I've always wondered where that came from.
(don't have the picture, or at least couldn't find it)
This is a crappy shot, but is his desk a serving cart? It's got wheels! His chair is in front of it and you can see his computer, so I'm going with the thought that it's his desk.

Teyla's room

Teyla's room is huge compared to Sheppard and Ford's rooms. From the second pic you can see she has a lot of open space. She appears to have some Athosian pottery, candles and other items in her room. Now her bed is also under a window, like I thought Ford's was, but she has flowy drapes covering her window. I like her drapes.

Athosian settlement/Charin's

This is the Athosian settlement, looks like the live in tents.

This is Charin's tent. Lots of candles and cooking equipment.

2.02 Intruder
Simon's place

Simon's backyard. The second pic is actually from 1.09, but it gives you a more complete look.

His awesome kitchen. I only wish my kitchen was half as big.

2.02 Runner
Ronon's room

I'm not sure this is actually his room still. I thought this was just where they were holding him for the time being. Below at 3.04, I talk more about Ronon and what his room might be like.

2.04 Duet
Teyla's room

Again we get a look at Teyla's room, and now it appears she has a couch/chair thing. and is very flexible.

McKay's room

McKay has a front room along with his bedroom. Why!? I know in 1.15 he talked about bigger living quarters, so is this his first room, or did he move? or is he in the hallway outside his room taking his jacket off?

He has all his awards and stuff all over his walls of his bedroom. Love that.

He too has his bed in front of a window, but unlike the others he doesn't have drapes or something covering the window. I love that on his side desk he has a picture of a cat (although not the same cat he had before?), coffee and an apple. Is that a potted plant on his balcony?

Lt. Cadman's room

Ignore the fact that Rodney appears to have the body of an old man (bad cap!). Cadman's bed is under a window and the flowy drapes make an appearance!

Cadman has pictures of her family, Army posters and awards and stuff on her walls and desks. She is also an exercise buff, because along with running, she has an exercise bike, boxing gloves and one of those ball things.

Dr. Katie Brown's place
Her place astounds me! She has multiple rooms! By far the largest living quarters shown so far. She has plants and flowers everywhere! I know she's a botanist, but is her lab in her place? Cadman said she's never been off Atlantis, but that's odd (to me), since she's a botanist, and where the heck did all the plants come from?

She has a table and apparently a kitchen area in her place. Did the nice plates and glasses come over on the Daedalus? Hmm, did she come over on the Daedalus?

Do you see her bed!?! I'm really thinking she came on the Daedalus, because she has the nicest bed, silverware and a huge place. Clearly she came after more of Atlantis was explored and the big apartments were found.

2.08 Conversion
Sheppard's room

Again, Sheppard has a different room. In 1.18 his bed was against the wall, and his Cash poster was behind him. Here he has his bed under the flowy draped window (like Teyla), and the Cash poster is next to the bed.

Next to the bed is a picture of Joe Flanigan and Evil Kenivel (sp?).

Sheppard has lots of his stuff here, a guitar, a surfboard, I'm sure there's a skateboard somewhere. Although, hmm, maybe Sheppard's room is just rearranged from last time? Those blocks are covering the side window, or whatever it is, and he has the same desk and chair.

2.10 The Lost Boys
Ford's Cave

I'm calling it a cave, cause that's what it looks like. With a fancy table and chairs. and some stolen Genii crap in the back.

and then Jace has his little science lab with all it's tubes and stuff. I suck at science.

2.13 Critical Mass
Charin's tent

Another look at her tent. I like that desk or trunk that's behind Teyla.

Where they had her ceremony. Just thought I would include it, since it appears to have Athosian items surrounding her.

2.18 Michael
Michael's room

Pretty bare, but then what they hell would the put in there?

3.04 Sateda
Ronon's home

They've never shown Ronon's room on Atlantis (right?), so I went with what they showed on Sateda. I do wonder what his room is like now though. Is it sparse, or filled with items that remind him of where he came from, like Teyla? I don't recall anyone writing about what his room looks like in fic either.

3.06 The Real World
Weir's home on Earth (in her mind at least)

The front, with her mom and dog (Sedge!) and then the back, with fake O'Neill.

Bedroom, bathroom and front room. I like all the pillows on the bed.

3.08 McKay and Ms Miller
Sheppard's room

Look! Sheppard has changed his room again.

3.10 The Return Pt 1
Weir's room (on Atlantis)

It's pretty empty since she's packing, but whatever.

*cough* This is mainly included cause I think Sheppard looks hot here.

Weir's appartment (on Earth)

Weir doesn't clean up.

- I should note that in 3.10 they show that the Athosians still have the same tent setup on their new planet.


2.04 Duet


Exercise room

2.08 Conversion

Exercise room

Haha, that's totally not Flanigan there.

2.13 Critical Mass
Weir's office

She has some, I guess, tribal statues and wall hangings. and a nicely placed ass on her desk.

2.18 Michael
Heightmieyer's office

If you'll notice it's the same room used for Teyla and Heightmieyer in 1.18, and it looks similar to ronon's room in 2.03.

3.01 No Man's Land
Mess Hall

3.04 Sateda

3.08 McKay and Ms. Miller

3.10 The Return Pt 1
Sheppard's SGC office


I can't believe I never did a picture of the gateroom until now.

Puddle Jumpers

Or the Puddle Jumpers.


Just thought I'd include this, in case you wanted to know seating arrangements or something.

- Why do the scientists have the largest living quarters? Do the military just not go for the excess room?
- Most people appear to have beds under windows, which they then cover with drapes and/or blocks of some kind.
- How did they choose their rooms? Why do I care?
- Teyla and Sheppard have rooms near each other, because it doesn't take her long to get to his room (1.18). I wonder who else lives near by.
- Did I miss any rooms? of interest at least?

credit: pics from, oxoniensis, pax89 (3.10) and me.

Clearly I've invested too much time into this. It's just a tv show. Yet, I'm a stickler for plot/prop continuity and placement and odd things of that sort. I notice things and want them explained. Otherwise I just will keep asking questions. That's part of the reason I had to make the casualties list, I needed to know who had been hurt, ect, incase it was mentioned again.

PS: Extra as of Sept '06, Joe Flanigan's Eyebrows.

If anyone actually reads all my babble about the living quarters, I applaud you.

sga_babble, sga_rooms, sga

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