edit: April 2008 - I am currently rewatching all seasons with my family and plan on finishing this list. I have most of the show done now, just need to type it up, which will take forever, I have so many pages written down. :)
edit: Nov 2007 - Added 4.05-07
edit: Oct 2006 - Added 3.03-3.10
edit: August 2006
It's been a year since I last updated the casualites list. I used to have it up on my website, but when that went down, I moved what I had back to the original lj post. The list is as complete as I could get it, and goes from 1.01 to 2.10. I hope to finish season 2, before season 3 is over. :)
(note: names are as accurate as I can get them, and things are listed in order as they happened, to get a better timeline)
1.01 - Rising 1
A few scientists/military (damage from the Ancient drone Beckett activated)
- Sheppard & Gen. O'Neill (the Ancient drone went after them, but was deactivated before it hit)
1.02 - Rising 2
6 (?) Athosians (Teyla & Halling included) (Wraith culling)
4 (?) Atlanteans (Col. Sumner & Sgt. Bates included) (Wraith culling)
Sheppard (a Wraith caught him on their hiveship)
Many Athosians (Wraith darts attacked their settlement)
Sumner (a Wraith threw him)
Sheppard (Wraith stunner to back)
Marine (Wraith dart blasts went through an open stargate)
Wraith dart (Bates shot it down)
1 Athosian, Toran? (Keeper (female) Wraith drained him)
Sumner (Keeper Wraith drained him; Sheppard shot him)
Keeper Wraith (Sheppard shot her and stuck her with Wraith stunner)
7 Wraith (Sheppard shot 2; Ford shot 3; 2 hit with explosives)
5 Wraith darts (puddle jumper shot 3 darts; 2 hit the Stargate shield)
- Wraith dart (Sheppard shot at it, but did not see it explode/crash)
1.03 - Hide and Seek
Halling (previous injury - he's on crutches)
Grodin (hurt hand from punching McKay)
McKay (fainted twice)
Ford (black energy feeding entity attacked)
- McKay (Sheppard shot him in the leg and threw him off a balcony, but he had the Anceint personal shield on so he was fine)
1.04 - Thirty Eight Minutes
Sheppard (Iratus bug attached to neck, paralyzing him)
Everyone on the puddle jumper (When the jumper became stuck in the Stargate - Sheppard knocked unconcious; Teyla & McKay fell; Ford, Stackhouse & Markham stuck inside stargate, but Ford was pulled out)
Ford (thrown by Sheppard; opened jumper rear hatch in space)
- Stackhouse & Markham (stuck demolecularized inside stargate for almost 38 mins, but came out okay)
1 Wraith (Sheppard shot it)
Sheppard (Ford had to stop his heart with a defibrillator to get the bug off, but he was brought back to life)
Iratus bug (Ford shot it; went out jumper rear hatch)
1.05 - Suspicion
Steve Wraith (Atlanteans set a trap)
2 Marines (Wraith stunners went through the gate)
McKay (Wraith stunner to face)
Sheppard (Wraith stunner to shoulder)
Ford (hit head when diving to avoid Wraith stunner)
Steve Wraith (Sheppard used Wraith stunner on him)
3 Wraith (Sheppard shot 2; Stackhouse shot 1)
3 Wraith (Atlanteans shot 2; one used self destruct)
1.06 - Childhood's End
Team (Sheppard, McKay, Ford, Teyla) (M7G-677 kids brought them to the elders)
McKay (Casta (the young boy) pounded on his chest because McKay was mean to Cleo and him)
Keras (arrow in the chest when he stepped in front of Sheppard)
1.07 - Poisoning The Well
Steve Wraith (Ford used the Wraith stunner on him)
Steve Wraith (Hoffan serum)
Merell (terminal illness and/or serum)
Half of the Hoffans injected (serum)
Perna (serum)
1.08 - Underground
Team (Genii held them when McKay & Sheppard found their underground complex)
Man cocooned on Wraith Hiveship (Tyrus shot him when he made noise)
Tyrus (hit with Wraith stunner; left behind on Wraith hiveship)
1.09 - Home
Team & Weir (mist aliens kept them on their planet, making up a fabricated reality for each, thinking they were back on Earth)
- Dex (in Sheppard's fabricated reality he shot his friend)
Mist aliens (stargate activation killed thousands)
1.10 - The Storm
Weir & McKay (Genii held them hostage on Atlantis)
McKay (Kolya cut his arm with a knife)
2 marines (Genii shot them upon arriving at Atlantis)
2 Genii (Sheppard shot them)
1.11 - The Eye
Sora (Atlanteans kept her)
Beckett (hit in face by Sora)
Sora & Teyla (fighting, with knives)
McKay (hit in face by Kolya)
Kolya (shot in shoulder by Sheppard)
55 Genii (Sheppard shut down the stargate)
8 Genii (Sheppard shot 4; Ford shot 2 and stunned 2 with Wraith stunner)
1.12 - The Defiant One
Gall (Wraith drained some of his life)
Wraith (Sheppard shot him many times, planted a Wraith bomb that exploded and stuck a knife through his hand; McKay also shot him)
Sheppard (Wraith shot him in the arm and fought with him, resulting in cracked ribs; he also hit the jumper shield)
Abrams (Wraith drained him)
Gall (put gun to his own head)
Wraith (shot him with the jumper)
1.13 - Hot Zone
Atlanteans near the viral lab (Including Ford & Zelenka) (infected with nanovirus, but the EMP nuclear explosion killed it)
Peterson (Sheppard shot him)
Atlanteans in mess hall (Peterson infected them with nanovirus, EMP killed it)
- McKay (was infected with nanovirus, but had the Ancient gene, which didn't make it deadly for him)
- Sheppard (was very close to the EMP explosion)
5 Scientists (Wagner, Johnson, Dumais, Hays, Peterson) (nanovirus killed them)
1.14 - Sanctuary
Wraith (Chaya killed them with energy blast, twice)
2 Wraith darts (Sheppard shot them with the puddle jumper)
1.15 - Before I Sleep
- Older Weir (woken up from the stasis chamber, 10,000 yrs old)
Atlantis expedition in other timeline (water flooded the city when shields collapsed; Wraith darts - Sumner drowned; bulkheads trapped people; gateroom flooded with McKay & Grodin inside; Ford & Beckett drowned trying to get people on jumpers; Weir, Zelenka & Sheppard transported back in time 10,000 yrs to Atlantis through the time machine jumper, where Wraith darts shot them down, killing Zelenka & Sheppard)
Wraith dart in Atlantis timeline (Sheppard shot it with the jumper)
Older Weir (old age, internal organs shut down)
1.16 - The Brotherhood
Team (Genii held them hostage while they looked for the ZPM)
2 Daganians, Allina & Sanir (Genii)
Ford (Genii shot a dart in his neck; a Genii elbowed him in the face)
Sanir (Allina slapped her in the face)
Genii (team - a flash bomb blinded them; Teyla took out 2 with a knife (they may have died); Ford disarmed 1; Sheppard disarmed Kolya)
Sheppard (Kolya hit him in the face)
2 of the Brotherhood in the past (Wraith culling)
1 Genii (Ford shot him)
Markham & Smith (Wraith dart shot their jumper)
Pranos (device to find the ZPM killed him)
- Wraith (appeard to self-destruct in the dart, but in 1.19 it is found on Atlantis (Bob Wraith))
1.17 - Letters to Pegasus
- People on Oron's planet (Wraith culling)
1.18 - The Gift
Man cocooned on Wraith ship (Teyla, linking to the mind of a Wraith, saw him feed)
Teyla (a Wraith had control of her mind and Beckett shocked her several times to try and break the connection)
Beckett (Teyla, under control of a Wraith again, punched him in the face)
Sheppard (Teyla/Wraith hit him on the back with the IV stand)
Ford (Teyla/Wraith threw him)
Teyla/Wraith (Bates shot her twice with a Wraith stunner to stop her)
- Teyla (A Wraith attacked her in her nightmare)
- Sheppard (In Teyla's nightmare, he had been drained of life by a Wraith)
1.19 - The Siege 1
Bob Wraith (Atlanteans captured him on Atlantis)
Bates (Teyla hit him in the face; Wraith attacked him, he suffered five broken ribs, a fractured collarbone, and a concussion; subdural haematoma; was put in a medically induced coma)
McKay (fell when gravity was established at Ancient satellite)
Sheppard & 4 marines (a Wraith attacked them with a stunner)
Bob Wraith (Ford shot him with a stunner)
- Teyla (Bob Wraith got inside her mind)
1 Wraith hive ship (destroyed by satellite)
Grodin (Wraith destroyed the satellite while he was still inside)
Bob Wraith (Sheppard shot him many times)
1.20 - The Siege 2
Many (Wraith)
Weir (Genii held her, wanting to exchange her for some C-4)
Ford (Wraith threw him)
Many (Wraith attacked Atlantis)
Many (Wraith and Atlanteans fought)
Note: There have also been a few cases of exposure to radiation that should be mentioned, even though it's not really mentioned on the show.
- 1.08 (Genii reactor)
- 1.13 (EMP explosion).
2.01 - The Siege 3
Many (Wraith attacked Atlantis & Daedalus)
Ford (Wraith drained him, gernade blast, fell into the ocean, Sheppard hit him with a Wraith stunner)
Everett (Wraith drained him)
2 soldiers (stunned by Wraith while escorting McKay)
Daedalus (Wraith fleet attacked)
Carson (Ford choked him)
Marine (Ford hit him)
Zelenka (Ford hit him)
Many (Wraith attacked Atlantis)
4 Wraith Hiveships (1 taken out with the Genii bomb on the puddle jumper, 3 taken out with the Daedalus warheads)
Wraith darts (hit the Atlantis shield)
2.02 - Intruder
Dr. Monroe (power surge/spike?)
Dr. Lindstrom (sucked out an airlock)
- deaths caused by A.I. Wraith virus
2.03 - Runner
Sheppard & Teyla (Ronan Dex took them to a cave)
McKay (Ford made him follow him)
Ford (deliberately ran into a Wraith beam)
Ronon (was brought under guard to Atlantis)
- Ronon (was taken by the Wraith 7 yrs ago)
Ronon (hit twice, leg and back, by a Wraith with a stunner; Beckett removed a Wraith transmitter from his back)
Sheppard & Teyla (Ronon shot/stunned them, twice)
Maj. Lorne (Ford stunned him with a Wraith blaster)
McKay (Ford pushed him hard on the shoulder; strung up in Ronon's trap)
2 Marines (Ford shot them with stunner)
Ford (McKay shot him in the arm; Sheppard shot him in the leg)
Ford & Ronon (fought each other with knives)
- Ronon (operated on by the Wraith 7 yrs ago, they also tried to feed off him)
Wraith (Ford shot it)
Sateda, Ronon's home planet (Wraith culling)
- Wraith (in a flashback it showed Ronon killing him)
2.04 - Duet
McKay & Lt. Cadman (Wraith dart)
Wraith dart (marines shot it down)
Carson (jumped out of the way of the falling dart)
McKay & Cadman (inside shot dart; Cadman's conciousness transfered into McKay's mind, her body still in dart; rematerialized from Wraith transformer)
McKay (rematerialized from Wraith transformer; seizure from fighting with Cadman for control)
4 Marines (fought with Ronon)
Teyla (fought with Ronon)
Planet at begining (Wraith culling)
Wraith in dart (Sheppard shot it)
2.05 - Condemned
Team (Sheppard, McKay, Teyla, Ronon) (prisoners took them, twice)
Ronon (arrow from prisoners went through the leg)
Prisoners (thrown back with air from Olesian aircraft; team, minus McKay, fought them with sticks)
Puddle jumper with team inside (prisoners shot it out of the sky with canon)
Sheppard (hurt knee trying to break a large stick; prisoner hit him in the face)
Torrell (Ronon hit him in the face)
Wraith cruiser (drone from the jumper hit it)
- Olesians (possible Wraith culling)
2.06 - Trinity
Collins (radiation exposure caused burns on his body, Ancient weapon malfunction)
Kell (Ronon shot him)
3/4 (or 5/6) of a solar system (Ancient outpost overloaded, causing explosion)
- Durandians (Ancient outpost malfunction)
- Wraith Hiveship (Ancient outpost)
2.07 - Instinct
McKay & Beckett (Wraith threw them)
Ellia (Beckett shot her in the shoulder; later Ronon and Sheppard both shot her)
Teyla (fought with Ellia, hurt her head)
Sheppard (Ellia scratched his arm while trying to feed on him)
1 Villager (Wraith)
1 Wraith (Ellia snapped it's neck)
Zaddik (Ellia threw him, he eventually died)
Ellia (Ronon shot her)
- Several Wraith (in a flashback villagers slaughtered them after their ship crashed)
- Villager (in flashback, it was revealed the stranded Wraith killed him)
2.08 - Conversion
Sheppard (wraith retrovirus changing his body; shot by Ronon, twice; put in medically induced coma)
Rodney (splinter in finger)
Weir (Sheppard choked and shoved her against a wall)
6 marines, 1 scientist (Sheppard attacked them trying to escape)
Walker & Stevens (Iratus bugs attacked, Lorne used a gernade in the caves)
2.09 - Aurora
Wraith on the Aurora (Sheppard shot it)
Crew of the Aurora (ship blew up)
2.10 - The Lost Boys
Team (Ford's men)
Team + Ford and his men (Wraith)
Team (Ford's men stunned them)
Jace & others (fell off platform when rematerialized from Wraith dart)
Note: There have also been a few cases of exposure to radiation that should be mentioned, even though it's not really mentioned on the show.
- 2.02 (The star Sheppard & McKay were close to)
- 2.03 (Planet they were on)
3.03 - Irresistible
Sheppard (held in Atlantis)
Lucius (tied up by Sheppard)
Lucius's village, Atlantis (drugged by Lucius/the pheremone he produced from an herb)
Lucius's village (became sick when Lucius left)
McKay (Ronon held him up against a wall under Lucius's order)
Beckett (Sheppard stunned him with a wraith stunner)
Sheppard (Ronon stunned him with his gun)
3.04 - Sateda
Ronon, Teyla, Sheppard (held by villagers)
Ronon (captured by Wraith)
McKay (shot in the ass with an arrow)
Teyla, Ronon, Sheppard (shot with darts)
Villager (Ronon banged his head, held a knife to his neck)
Ronon (Wraith self-destructed, got shrapnel in his leg; fought head Wraith hand to hand)
Keturah's Village (Wraith)
7 Wraith (knifed, shot at by Ronon)
25 Wraith (shot by Ronon, Teyla and Sheppard)
Head Wraith (Carson shot him with a drone)
- Villagers (Wraith tracking Ronon years before)
- Sateda (flashbacks show Ronon's planet being culled)
3.05 - Progeny
Team and Weir (Asurans held them in a cell)
Ronon (hit the force field around the cell)
Team and Weir (Asurans probed their minds)
Asurans (McKay set a code to freeze them temporarily)
McKay (choked by Oberoth)
Oberoth and 2 others (stunned by Ronon)
Weir (choked by Niam)
- Replicators/Asurans (Ancients attempted to destroy them)
- 3 Asurans (Ronon, Teyla and Sheppard took them out in Sheppard's mind)
Asurans city (McKay set the ZPMs to overload)
Niam (Sheppard pushed him, opened the jumper door to space him)
- Atlantis (Wraith attacked, Sheppard set the self-destruct in his mind)
-3.06 - The Real World
Weir (Niam sent nanites into her body that infected her; hit with a small EMP pulse later)
4 guards (Weir attacked them, in her mind)
- Simon (died in a car crash, in Weir's mind)
3.07 - Common Ground
Sheppard (Genii)
- Wraith (Genii, had him for years)
Sheppard (Kolya shot him with a harpoon, that threw him; hit with rubble from a shot blast; Genii tasered him (?), punched him in the face; Wraith fed on him 4 times, taking many years, but giving them back in the end)
Genii henchman (Sheppard punched him)
Wraith (Genii tasered him, shot him; Sheppard stunned him with Ronon's gun; also probably had past injuries)
3(?) Genii (Wraith took their life force)
Many Genii (8+) (Wraith and Sheppard killed them, with guns, knives and hands; some may have survived, not sure)
3.08 - McKay and Ms. Miller
Rod's universe (exotic particles from the experiment were tearing a hole in his universe)
3.09 - Phantoms
Everyone on planet (abandoned Wraith experiment, an EM generator, emits a frequency that caused hallucinations)
Lt. Kagan (Leonard shot him the stomach)
Teyla (Leonard shot her in the left thigh)
Ronon (Sheppard shot him in the right arm)
McKay (threw himself on the ground; Sheppard shot him in the chest)
- Capt. Holland (injured in Sheppard's hallucination, helicopter crashed)
3 Marines on Maj. Leonard's team (Leonard shot them)
1 Sgt. (Leonard set the DHD to explode)
Sgt. Barroso (Leonard shot him in the shoulder; Beckett was unable to help him due to hallucinations)
Maj. Leonard (blew himself up with a grenade)
- 6+ Genii (had killed each other with guns, knives and hands previously due to the experiment)
3.10 - The Return Pt 1
SGC Sgt. Babbis (fell 20ft into a brook)
SGC Sgt. Wallace (fell, broke ankle; Sheppard stunned him with a zat)
Atlantis (Asurans/Replicators attacked)
SGC Sgt. Siler (Sheppard stunned him with a zat)
Ancient(s) in Atlantis puddlejumper (Asurans/Replicators destroyed it)
4.05 - Travelers
Sheppard (the Travelers grabbed his puddlejumper)
Sheppard (punched by Silas (?), and Larrin; exposed to radiation; Larrin bit his hand; Larrin shot him)
2 Travelers, Silas and other (Thrown by Lantean ship; shot by Sheppard)
Larrin (Throw by ship; shocked by Lantean wires, and shield; fought hand to hand with Wraith; drained and brought back by Wraith)
Wraith (Larrin stabbed his hand; fought with her)
Silas and other (Wraith blew up the part of the Lantean ship they were in)
Wraith cruiser (Sheppard blew it up with Ancient drones)
1 Wraith (Sheppard shot him)
2 Wraith (Sheppard blew up the side of the Lantean ship they were in, went out into space)
4.06 - Tabula Rasa
various expedition members (marines rounded them up in the mess hall for their safety)
all expedition members, minus Ronon and Teyla (infected with a form of Kersin (sp?) fever/bacteria/virus (?), which caused headaches, dizziness, amnesia)
various expedition members (stunned by marines)
1 marine (Zelenka hit him on the head with metal rod)
Sheppard (stunned and tied up by Ronon)
Teyla (stunned by Lt. Kemp)
McKay (stunned by Lorne, marines)
Lorne (stunned by Zelenka)
Dr. Baxter (killed by virus)
expedition member dead in hallway (virus)
4.07 - Missing
Athosians (unknown reason, possibly Genii, Wraith)
Keller and Teyla (taken by the Bola Kai, kept in cage)
Keller (fell down hill, sprained ankle; almost fell off rope bridge; fought Nabel)
Nabel (stomach wound; fought Teyla and Keller; Keller shot him in the leg)
1 Bola Kai (foot caught in Athosian trap)
4 Bola Kai (fought Teyla)
Teyla (fought Bola Kai, hit in face; hit in face twice by Bola Kai leader; hit in face by Nabel)
3 Bola Kai (Teyla fought them with a stick, knife and axe)
2 Bola Kai (shot by Nabel)
various Bola Kai (shot by Sheppard, Ronon and McKay)
Thanks for any help!