[You know, there clearly was not enough going on already without Jack there to spice it up a bit. The captain was feeling a bit mischievous though, and was curious to see who or what he could get a rise out of. He had known there was a way to get the verbal function to work, and while he found a book that talks to be a tad bit on the creepy side of
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You do not know of RUM?
[He was still wet behind the ears when he both knew of it, and partook in it... ]
[Have a pause of disbelief Sollux.]
Well this affront against the natural order needs to be rectified immediately! There's a tower by the stables... I'll introduce Rum to yah.
[Yay! Drinking buddy! ]
[Jack hoped whoever was on the other end, understood that part at least. The places to rest your rump.... ]
*And so Sollux heads off to the booze-tower! He recognizes Jack's voice, so he knows who he's looking for.*
[The pirate will be rather visible. He has a bottle of amber colored liquid, and two glasses sitting ready.
He would look the devil, if only he had horns, a tail and a bath. ]
Hey. Sup?
Here now. Have sit with me, and we'll start your introduction to the drink, shall we?
[He gestures to the seat next to him.]
*He takes a seat, eying the drink. It doesn't look very impressive to him.*
He pours a half full glass for Sollux and a full one for himself. Later Sollux can learn the fine art that is bottle swigging. But a first glass should be special, or at least Jack will play it like it should be.]
I suggest the first taste, be quick like. Then when you're used to it, drink it how you want.
[He slides the drink over. It just looks like colored water!]
*He eyes the glass for two more seconds before picking it up. Doesn't seem like it could be anything too bad, so he takes a quick (large :|) swig...then promptly has a small coughing fit.*
Fuck! What the fuck is this shit?
[Jack smiles as Sollux downs quite a bit, and none-too-surprised by the reaction the boy-thing gets from it either. He pats Sollux heartily on the back.]
'S rum! Liquor! The stuff that Dionysus wish he had created. You'll get used to it lad, take another. Numb the mouth a bit first, else it gets harder the longer you wait, and you get that kind of a reaction everytime.
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