Fri, 17:21: RT @ brownandbella: Who knew that being able to see the damn blackboard during lessons could help kids learn. MIND BLOWN! 🤦🏾…
Fri, 17:24: RT @ AnneFrankCenter: In our statement below, we explain how @ POTUS is responsible for making this a heartbreaking day in American history.…
Fri, 19:39: RT @ XioVargas: Being from California has made diversity such a norm to me,sometimes I forget there's a whole other side of the U.S that thi…
Fri, 22:10: RT @ Hermit_Hwarang: It's been 6 wks since Tommy Le was killed by King County Sheriffs on his HS grad day. The fundraiser is
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Thu, 15:52: RT @ jr_ramirez_99: While your president sides with neo-nazis and white supremacist, MY president is out in Germany being an absolute blessi…