Round 16: So shut up boy

Aug 03, 2011 11:15

Title: So shut up boy
Team: Canon
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: miss A
Pairing: Gen, Jia-centric
Summary: Jia takes umbrage.
Author's Note: Inspired by these thoughtless words . Immeasurable thanks to the hardworking members of my team - you have been amazing, and I couldn’t have done this without you.
Prompt Used: 2PM - Without U (bits and pieces of the ( Read more... )

cycle: 2011, 2011 round 16: without u, fandom: miss a, team canon

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Comments 3

jeonggam August 3 2011, 10:46:25 UTC
I really liked this! It's left me with such a warm feeling about miss A and JYP Nation and the world itself and anything that can leave me with such feelings I can't help but love.

I really enjoyed your characters: Jia's slightly hotheaded concern, Suzy's overall maturity peppered with those moments of sweet childishness, Fei's careful restraint, and Min's practical analysis of the industry were really effective. The addition of Taecyeon and Wooyoung was perfect, and the differences in their texting habits made me laugh out loud.

I also adore the fact that in the end it was about their friendship, and how much they care for each other and how they're always learning things about each other. This fic is beautiful and funny and wonderful and I thank you for writing it. <3~


elapses August 8 2011, 16:34:22 UTC
As the other commenter said, I loved the way that this so seamlessly feels like family: the smaller family the girls have made for themselves, and then the larger fabric of their JYP connections (Wooyoung was funny and lovely here). The characterization of all four girls is really vivid and excellent, and fjdkslfj I don't know, this was just really lovely. Nice work!


nautisch August 30 2011, 03:10:49 UTC
this is the cutest fic in the world, bek :( absolutely the cutest. I want to squish your suzy and jia forever.


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