Round 16: When I'm unable to see inwards it's time to look around

Aug 03, 2011 11:05

Title: When I'm unable to see inwards it's time to look around
Team: AU
Rating: R
Fandom: Infinite
Pairing: Basically L/everyone, but the most prominent are L/Woohyun and L/Sungjong.
Summary: They say that the people you meet shape you into who you are - Myungsoo is sure that after this, he'll never be the same.
Author's Note: This fic is sort of a mix between Without U and one of the supplementary prompts, and probably has elements from the BTD music video, but the latter is completely unintentional. Thank you so much to my lovely Arisu, who beta'd! And of course everyone on my team who I couldn't have done this without ♥ There is a major character death in this.
Prompt Used: 2PM - Without U

Myungsoo doesn't like fighting.

This has been established practically since day one, when he had been in his first fight that had subsequently lead him to Woohyun, who drags him off to save him from the suicide mission he unintentionally got himself into. When Woohyun finally lets go, Myungsoo curses at him and punches the wall next to them and then cradles his hand with a pained expression because the wall is made of bricks.

Woohyun laughs at him and then turns to walk away, with a smirk that says everything but what Myungsoo really wants (which is to go home) and he follows Woohyun at a safe distance, knowing that Woohyun knows that he's following. It's like he can see the smirk through the back of Woohyun's head, and it annoys him way more than it really should.

They walk through dark streets, some empty and some not. Woohyun has his hands in his pockets and Myungsoo has his own clenched at his sides. He loses sight of his newfound companion every now and then, but it never takes him long to find him again, and eventually they end up outside a building in the outskirts of the city. They must have walked for at least an hour, Myungsoo realizes.

Woohyun half-turns and jerks his head a bit towards the door before turning and entering, the door sliding shut after him with a loud sound that makes Myungsoo jump.

“This is crazy.” he says out loud to himself, almost just to make sure that he isn't dreaming or hasn't lost his voice along with his sanity. He's unsure if he should enter, but he does so anyway, because if there's anything dangerous in there he can just turn and run for his life. With that (small) reassurance he enters, the door closing behind him and leaving everything in darkness.

Myungsoo stays still for a while to get used to the darkness and to try and hear something. There are voices, low murmurs and an angry mutter here and there. Then someone speaks loud and clear, moving closer while doing so.

“At least turn on some lights so that we can see him and he us.”

A little after that, some lights come on and he sees that the guy who had spoken earlier, who is in fact just a boy with blonde hair and big eyes that are staring at him curiously.

“You can't be more than fifteen!” Myungsoo blurts before he can stop himself, and the boy laughs.

“I'm actually seventeen, but thank you anyway.” he says, and he seems amused as he steps closer. ’s weird that the boy isn’t more than a year younger than himself. It’s very weird.

“Don't get too close to him, Sungjong,” someone says, roughly pulling Sungjong back. Myungsoo raises his gaze, having completely forgotten that there are other people here.

Sungjong turns, obviously annoyed. “Do you think a guy like him would have any weapons? Really, even a squirrel could see he can't fight, Hoya,” he says, shaking his head and walking past him to where more people, including Woohyun, are standing.

“Hey!” Myungsoo protests. “I can so fight.”

“The way you got your ass handed to you earlier wasn't really a good way to prove it earlier, though,” Woohyun says with a slight shrug and a grin. “You still haven't thanked me for saving your ass back there.”

Myungsoo frowns at him. “I would have been able to save myself even without your interruption,” he replies. “But, uh... thank you, I guess.”

Woohyun is obviously about to reply, but he's cut off by the guy to his left. “That's nice and all,” he says, “but why did you take him here, Woohyun? Have you learned nothing since you got here? What if he's a part of their crew? We'll be screwed if he goes tattling.”

“I can stop that.” Hoya says, fingers flexing. Myungsoo shrinks back.

“Myungsoo's cool, he's cool. Relax,” Woohyun says easily, waving him off. “He used to be in my physics classes last year before I got kicked out. He couldn't harm a fly even if he tried.”

The guy looks unconvinced, but nods reluctantly. “But what do we do with him? He can't possibly stay here, can he?”

He turns to the guy on Woohyun's right, obviously looking for an answer. “Right, Sunggyu?”

Sunggyu has to be some kind of leader of this group of people, Myungsoo realized. Hopefully he's more levelheaded than Hoya.

“Depends,” Sunggyu replied, biting his lip thoughtfully. “If he did something to piss those guys off, he isn't safe being out there on his own for sure. But until we figure out how he possibly angered them, we should keep him here - under careful watch, of course.”

“I'm right here you know,” Myungsoo speaks up, frowning at them. “You can just ask me instead of making weird speculations right in front of me.”

There is one person who has yet to speak up, and he does so now. “I say we listen to him,” he says, smiling slightly. “You guys need to take things easy for once anyway, so let's just let him talk and then we can figure out what to do next.”

“Sungyeol, really―“ Hoya begins, but the guy on Woohyun's left cuts him off. “I agree with Sungyeol.”

“Dongwoo!” protests, but then realizes he’s fighting a lost battle, and sighs deeply. “Fine,” he says, crossing his arms.

Myungsoo stares at him. Obviously Hoya has some trust issues to work out, because he’d only just met them five minutes ago, and why would anyone ever think such a thing about him?

Sungjong has no problem trusting him however, and drags him further into the light. There's a rundown couch against one wall and he's pushed into it, and Sungjong drops down next to him.

“Tell us then,” he says eagerly, and slowly the others come over as well. Woohyun sits down on his other side, Sunggyu leans against the table, and the rest sit down on the floor; except for Hoya who remains standing, trying not to appear interested.

Myungsoo wonders to ,exactly, not really sure how he gotteninto trouble himself. He ’t even knownwho the men were, and for a moment he’s uncertain. Eventually he opens his mouth and finds his voice.

“I overheard them,” he begins, thinking back. “I was heading back from a friend's, took a shortcut and heard them talk about something about weapons and someone getting in their way all the time. I'm assuming that would be you guys.”

Dongwoo grins. “You could put it that way.”

Myungsoo smiles slightly. “I began following them to hear more, but I sort of tripped over some bottles or something. I fell, they saw me, and since they realized I'd heard them they began to chase me. They'd just caught me when Woohyun came, really.”

Speaking of... lifts a hand to check his cheekbone, wincing at the sting. The guys sure had gotten in a good hit.

“Really now...” Sunggyu mutters... seems to be thinking... he's obviously hesitant to actually let Myungsoo stay, and Myungsoo didn't really want to stay either, which he voiced out loud.

“Then Woohyun can follow you home.” Sunggyu decides, and smirks at Woohyun's petulant look. “Why me?” says Woohyun, scowling. “Why can't Sungjong go; he obviously wants to with the way he's draping himself all over Myungsoo.”

“Sungjong's supposed to be sleeping.” Hoya replies.

Sungjong glares at him. “I'm not a kid!”

As Hoya and Sungjong begin to argue, Sungyeol moves over to stop them, Woohyun stands and turns around and offers Myungsoo his hand.

“Fine, I'll follow you home,” he tells him, and Myungsoo nods and stands. He quickly follows him to the door, and out.

The next morning, Woohyun is waiting for him outside his place, and Myungsoo frowns.

“What are you doing here?” he asks as they begin to walk. Woohyun shrugs.

“The gang made an agreement that I'd follow you to school every day and Sungjong would follow you home. Hope you don't mind, but if you do then it sucks for you.”

Myungsoo laughs slightly, shaking his head, and Woohyun looks over with a small smile. “How's your cheek?”

“It's alright. Still hurts, but I've lived through worse.”

Woohyun nods and they stay mostly quiet for most of the trip. Woohyun slips away with a wink when Myungsoo enters the campus area and Myungsoo is unable to concentrate for the rest of the day.

It continues for another week before Myungsoo finally builds the courage to ask the question that has been burning in his mind for the last couple of days.

“Is that gang you fight against really that scary?” he asks, and Sungjong looks up at him.

“Yes,” he replies calmly, tilting his head slightly. “Don't you think it's scary when you fight against someone who wouldn't hesitate in killing you if they could?”

“Uhm...” Myungsoo hesitates. “I haven't really experienced such a thing yet, so I can't really answer.”

Sungjong blinks. “What? But you are right now. Why else do you think we're following you to school and back home again? It's not like we're doing it because we think it's fun,” he says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Which it probably is, Myungsoo realizes, and sort of feels like hitting himself for the stupidity he's emitting at the moment. Sungjong smiles and pats his arm.

“But don't you worry, Myungsoo-sshi. We'll protect you from getting hurt.”

Myungsoo is a little miffed that someone younger than him, who also looks as fragile as a twig is protecting him, but it makes things a lot easier than they could be. “Thanks. But Sungjong, is it like... you're walking with me right now, protecting me... while the other guys beat that... gang or whatever behind us?”

He looks over his shoulder just in case, and Sungjong laughs. “No, that's not it. I walk with you now, and if those people come I kick their asses while you run, and they'll never get you. You'll have to be sneaky in your running, of course, because if you aren't then it'll all be in vain.”

“You, against all those people?” Myungsoo asks, raising an eyebrow at him, and Sungjong nods.

“Of course. It could be one guy, it could be ten. I'll still be able to take them on.”

“How? By your dazzling smile?”

Sungjong grins at him. “You think I have a dazzling smile, Myungsoo-hyung?”

Myungsoo falters. “What? No! I- No, of course not! I was just talking, don't take seriously,” he stammers. Sungjong laughs and pats his back. Myungsoo feels a strange sense of familiarity.

“Don't worry, Myungsoo. I know what you meant.” he says gently, and Myungsoo can only nod a little awkwardly.

A couple of days later, it isn't Woohyun who meets him when he walks out of his house to head to school. Instead it's Sungjong, who shrugs at his questioning look. “Woohyun said he had some other things to do. But this is alright with you, right?”

“Of course,” Myungsoo replies with a smile. It's much easier to walk with Sungjong, because the silence isn't as suffocating. Or existing, actually. Sungjong always has something to say, even if it is random, like, “Dongwoo-hyung fell down the stairs this morning.” Myungsoo has to admit that he doesn't know what he feels for the younger boy: if it's just brotherly affection or something more. He isn't sure if he wants it to be the latter; it could end in death, after all. After everything he has been told, after all his visits to their place, he really shouldn't actually want to be near them at all. But, here he is, and he doesn't know if he can avoid them even if he wants to.

He has a feeling he doesn't really need to be looked after anymore once a few weeks has passed; but Sungjong, Woohyun and even Sunggyu all insist (and perhaps Hoya, if not a little reluctantly) that he does, so he'll just have to deal. And he sort of likes it, because this way he gets to know more about what they're are doing; they don't keep him in the dark, they let him know what he's involved with; and this is more than what anyone else has done for him before.

Sungjong waves a hand to his face. Myungsoo blinks.

“You were really gone there for a moment,” Sungjong says with a grin.

Myungsoo bumps him with his shoulder.

“That’s what should be said to you, not me, Sungjongie.”

He expects Sungjong to laugh, but he gets no reply at all. Instead, Sungjong has stopped, and Myungsoo frowns as he turns. "Sungjong?"

"Myungsoo, go."

Myungsoo laughs. "What?"

"I said go! Run, you damn fool!"

Myungsoo suddenly sees what Sungjong has seen and is momentarily at a loss. stays frozen in place, because he hadn’t expected for the men he’s been protected from suddenly appear in front of him on his walk to school in broad daylight.

"I'm not leaving you here alone," he says stubbornly, his feet finally moving him closer to Sungjong. "We'll fight together."

"How cute," one of the men say, a disgusting grin in his face. "He's protecting his little girlfriend. Haven't you told him that you fight better than him yet, Sungjong? Wouldn't it rather be you who should protect him?"

Sungjong doesn't reply; he just clenches his fists and glares as much as he can. Myungsoo however, studies the men coming towards them. They're surprisingly young, maybe just a year or two older than himself, and he wonders if they are the same men he had tried to fight earlier when Woohyun came to help him. it hits him that the man had known Sungjong’s name.

He doesn’t let himself think about it now, though. Sungjong leans over and mutters to him, eyes never leaving the men, “You’re stupid. You should get out of here.”

“No,” Myungsoo says automatically. He grins. "I need to take a hit for the team, anyway. Repay you guys."

With that, he charges headfirst, knowing it's the single most stupid thing he has ever done. Sungjong is right behind him, covering his back, making sure that he’s not caught off-guard. Muyngsoo does the same.

Things never work to their favor, however, for it isn’t too long before Sungjong’s down and Myungsoo feels restrained.

"Sungjong!" Myungsoo shouts, as the younger boy curls up to protect himself the kicks. Sungjong is pulled up by his hair, punched, and then knocked back down again. Myungsoo growls and tries to pull free, but his feet are knocked out from beneath him and he falls down instead, unable to get up.

"Leave them."

The words are completely against what he had thought would be said, and he blinks, half gaping at the man who is speaking. "This is just a warning, killing anyone isn't necessary yet."

Myungsoo glares. "Killing someone is never necessary. Least of all for someone who doesn't deserve it."

"And what do you know about what is necessary?" the man counters. Myungsoo is unable to reply.

The men let go of him, and he quickly crawls over to Sungjong, ignoring them as they leave. He pulls the blonde up, and Sungjong glares at him through a swollen eye.

"You're so damn stupid." he manages, and Myungsoo sighs softly and pulls one of Sungjong's arms over his shoulders and helps him up as he stands.

"I know.”

Sungjong says no more, just sighs and winces when he breathes to deeply. It's worrysome, and Myungsoo wishes now that he hadn't run headfirst into the fight... but what's done is done, and he can do no more.

It takes ages for them to reach the hideout, and Myungsoo's arms are numb by then. Sure, Sungjong's light; but half-dragging, half-carrying him isn't all that easy, especially when Sungjong insists he can walk perfectly fine on his own every five minutes.

Hoya meets them and he's none too happy to see them. He pulls Sungjong from Myungsoo and gives him a withering glare. Myungsoo has half a mind to claim it isn't his fault, but Sungjong did say that he should run and he didn't listen.

"I hope you're happy." Hoya mutters to him, and Sungjong nudges him and detaches his arms from around himself, and then straightens.

"I'm fine, Hoya."

"He could've gotten you killed! I knew it was a bad idea to "protect" him or whatever shit we're actually doing. What if you end up dead because of him one day?" Hoya snaps.

Myungsoo gapes at him.

"Now wait a second!” ―he says, trying to be rational, “ I would never do anything to hurt him! I just wanted to help, and he'd probably be much worse off if I wasn't there."

Hoya doesn't look convinced.

"Yeah? And all this time you haven't seen how he looks at you?" he asks.

Sungjong pales. Myungsoo falters.

"What?" he says, looking from Hoya to Sungjong and back again.

Hoya snorts. "Of course you haven't. I knew we should've just left you, because you're obviously too thick-headed to see what's right in front of you. Sungjong deserves much better than a rat like you."

"A 'rat like me'? I'd say you're the rat here, considering you practically live on the street!" ’s crossed a line here, and he knows it. He takes a step back as Hoya’s face gets red with rage.

"Now you listen here, you bloody -"

"Stop it, both of you!" Sungjong shouts. He looks even angrier than Hoya. "You're both pathetic! I don't need to be told what to do and what not to do, and I can take perfectly good care of myself. I'm not weak, and I don't need the two of you fucking each other up right now. We're supposed to be one the same side here! Are you both too thick-headed to realize that? Hoya, Myungsoo just wanted to help and I should've tried harder to get him to go. Myungsoo, just... just go, alright?"

Both of them are silent. Sungjong turns to head inside, but Hoya reaches out.


"Lee Howon, if you as much as look at me right now I will make you regret it," Sungjong snarls. Hoya's arm falls back to his side. Sungjong disappears inside, slamming the door shut behind him.

Neither Hoya nor Myungsoo say anything for a moment. Hoya eventually sighs and turns to go inside as well. The door opens before he can touch the handle however, and Sunggyu steps back outside.

"I'll be having a talk with you when I get back," he says shortly, looking ar Hoya. Hoya nods mutely and walks inside. Sunggyu grabs Myungsoo by the arm and drags him away until Myungsoo stops him with a protest.

"Sunggyu-" he begins, but Sunggyu gives him a look that makes him fall silent.

"I don't really have anything to say to you right now, and I don't need to listen to your excuses or your reasons," he says patiently - showing that he means no harm. "And whatever happens from now on is up to Sungjong, not me, to decide."

Myungsoo nods and walks alongside Sunggyu in silence. They're a few blocks away from Myungsoo's house when Sunggyu stops him. "Myungsoo, listen... No matter what happens from now on, I don't want you to blame yourself alright? Can you promise me this?"

He looks desperate enough to make Myungsoo nod, and at the same time it scares him a little. "Of course. I promise."

Then Sunggyu grins and pats him on the back. "I'm sure you'll be fine walking on your own from here on. I don't think they'll be back for a while."

With that, he walks away. Myungsoo frowns and tries to find the underlying message in the promise he had just made.

Come morning, it's Woohyun outside his house and not Sungjong. For some reason, this doesn't surprise Myungsoo, and he briskly walks past the older boy, not bothering to look at him.

"Hey!" Woohyun is quick to catch up with him, and Myungsoo resists the urge to roll his eyes. "What's the matter with you?"

Myungsoo raises an eyebrow. "Are you really asking that, Woohyun? You're going to tell me that Sungjong doesn't want to see me again, right?"

Woohyun snorts. "Don't be a fool. Of course Sungjong wants to see you again,” he says, “he's much too attached to you not to want that. You've just got to let him take his time and think for a bit. He needs to heal anyway, so I'm walking you myself."

"You're wasting your time," Myungsoo retorts. Woohyun's eyes narrow.

"Stop being such an idiot, Myungsoo! happened yesterday has already happened; it’s not like it’s the end of the world. Sungjong will warm up to you again in no time, he was just pissed that you and Hoya seemed to know exactly what is 'best' for him, so to speak. He needs his freedom after all."

Myungsoo stays quiet and eventually sighs. "You're right," he mutters, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm overreacting. I just... didn't expect this to happen. I was starting to think it was a dream... or something. A one-time thing."

Woohyun chuckles and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, well... if only."

Myungsoo nods and looks up as he puts his hands in his pockets. "Yeah... if only."

They grow closer as time passes. Woohyun is much more reserved than what Sungjong is, but he's funny and he knows that Myungsoo can take a joke, and a hit or two. Myungsoo catches himself wondering if Woohyun's as reserved when he fights as when he's talking, or if he just lets himself go. He's seen him fight once, but it wasn't... proper, so to speak.

Woohyun likes to use his hands when he talks, gesturing wildly when he explains what he thinks about this or that; and more than once Myungsoo wonders if he likes to use his hands on other things. These thoughts make him blush and he lightly blames it on the weather when Woohyun asks him about the red tint in his cheeks. He isn't gay after all ― he merely admires. At least, that's what he tells himself.

And if he so happens to brush his fingers against Woohyun's or press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, it's just affection. A thank you.

He fleetingly thinks that the affection he has for Sungjong is different from the affection he feels for Woohyun, but that's just a coincidence.

It's all just a coincidence.

Sungyeol is standing in the make-shift kitchen when someone enters, talking to someone else. H’s about to go and greet whoever it is, but the words he hears make him stop. He hides behind a wall and plays with a carton of milk, listening to the conversation.

"I'm not saying that they know!" Woohyun snaps at whoever he's talking to, and Sungyeol realizes he's on a phone. "I'm just saying that they might know... Sunggyu has been eyeing me for days."

What is he talking about? Sungyeol's heart is beating rapidly as he tries to make sense of what he's hearing, knowing that 'they' obviously means himself, Hoya, Sungjong, Dongwoo and Sunggyu. Perhaps even Myungsoo as well, though he doubts it.

"I'll take care of it, relax already," Woohyun growls, pacing on the other side of the wall. "Look, meet me at our usual and I'll let you know what I'm going to do. I can't tell you over the phone because some of them are here and I don't want them to overhear anything. Birds don't fly far from the nest so you know I'll be on my own."

This makes no sense and Sungyeol is at a loss for what to do. It sounds as if Woohyun is talking to those people. The thought sends a shiver up his spine. hangs up, Sungyeol hears the front door close, indicating his leave. Sungyeol counts the seconds before he follows. Woohyun disappears quickly through the streets, and as Seungyeol trails after him, he hits himself mentally. He should have brought his phone. But it’s too late now.

He bites his lip, being as silent as possible as he follows Woohyun down the streets. They're not very far away from their hideout when Woohyun stops.

He’s not alone. Sungyeol swallows as he hides behind the corner, peeking around to see Woohyun greeting someone. The other man doesn't look familiar, although Sungyeol really wouldn't know. They seem to be arguing - i’s too dark to see anything properly, after all. He leans forward to hear better.

"Look, I decide what I want to do to them," Woohyun says sharply. "It's my decision to make, not yours, you don't know them the way I do. I know what they eat, how they sleep, and most importantly, I know the way they think. You would screw up the whole process."

"So you say," the other man replies with a chuckle. "But I can't really agree. Either way, I'll leave it to you. What are you planning on doing?"

"I need to take out Sunggyu first, if he grows more ,” says Woohyun. “But Sungjong is the weakest. Taking him out first could probably make them fall apart, and then another kick would be efficient to take them down.”

He pauses. The other laughs out loud. Woohyun visibly glares. "Be quiet, will you? Anyone can hear your laughter for miles." He sighs. "If only that damn Myungsoo didn't get involved... although I suppose that's my own fault."

He smiles and crosses his arms, leaning against the wall. "I'll save him for last. It'll be fun to break him down bit by bit... he's grown fond of all of us, it seems, even though he and Hoya fight like dogs."

"I'm sure it's amusing..." The other trails off. "And what are you gonna do about Sungyeol?"

Sungyeol jerks his head upon hearing his name. His eyes widen. What about him?

"What do you mean?" Woohyun asks, seemingly taken aback as well by the sudden question.

"Well, he followed you here... Surely you can't let him go just like that when he's heard all this and can tell the others?"

Woohyun spins around and Sungyeol quickly turns to run ― only to collide with something firm... and positively human. He looks up and opens his mouth to speak, but he's pulled into a headlock and dragged towards Woohyun and the man instead.

Woohyun grins when he sees him and shakes his head. "I always told you that being curious was going to be the death of you some day, Sungyeol-ah," he says, and Sungyeol pulls his best glare.

"How could you?" he growls, struggling in the headlock and trying to pull his arms from behind his back. "I thought you were our friend. We trusted you! And you've been on their side all along?"

"It's purely about .” Woohyun shrugs. He kneels down and Sungyeol is forced onto his knees. Woohyun grips his chin and looks directly into his eyes.

“They had the better deal... I simply didn't get anything out of only being on your side."

Sungyeol scoffs and pulls away from his touch. It disgusts him now, as opposed to when Woohyun had playfully ruffled his hair, or patted his back on a job well done. "You're pathetic,” he says. “You're no better than them."

Woohyun grips his hair this time, jerking his head up painfully. "You should never have followed me here, Sungyeol,” he hisses. “You've walked into your death."

He pulls Sungyeol closer so he can whisper into his ear. "But don't worry," he says softly. "You'll soon be joined by the others. I'll make their death as swift as yours."

-Sharp, epain hits his stomach, but Sungyeol can only gasp. Woohyun go of his hair and releases his arms. Sungyeol falls on his side to the ground, the knife Woohyun always kept in his boot shoved into his gut. Their gazes are fixed on each other, and then the light goes out in Sungyeol’s eyes.

Woohyun kicks Sungyeol onto his back. He reaches down and pulls the knife out of body of one of the few people who had been his friend, and cleans it on Sungyeol’s sweater.

"And what are we supposed to do with him now?"

The question doesn't register at first, but then eventually Woohyun turns and shrugs.

"Leave him here, of course. I'll head back, say I found his body, but didn't dare move him because then people would question it."

He gets a frown in return, but eventually his companion agrees. "All rright, if you're sure. You might want to rid yourself of that knife though. Can't risk them finding it and making the connection.”

Woohyun snorts slightly. "You underestimate me. Now go, I'll fix this. They won't know a thing. I'll make sure of that."

Myungsoo is abruptly woken up when his phone rings. He fumbles around for it and ends up knocking it to the floor. Grumbling, he picks it up and glances at the screen. The number is unknown, but he answers it anyways.

"What?" he asks roughly, not really appreciating being woken up.

"Sungyeol is dead." Dongwoo says, sounding strangely detached from the world. Myungsoo wonders how in the world Dongwoo got his number, words register in his brain,andthenMyungsoo shoots up up into a sitting position, now completely awake.

"What?" he asks again - this time surprised. "How? What happened?"

"He was stabbed... Woohyun found him. He must've died pretty much immediately after it... it happened. I just thought I'd tell you." Dongwoo sighs. Myungsoo hears hushed voices in the background.

"“We’ll... probably see you on Monday again,” Dongwoo says after a long silence. “You, uh.. take care of yourself until then. Be careful, and always look over your shoulder. Bye, Myungsoo."


But it's too late. Dongwoo has already hung up, and Myungsoo lets his hand fall in his lap, fingers clenching around his phone. Sungyeol is dead. Sungyeol, who had always seemed so nice the few times they had met. It's surprising, and he can't imagine who in the world would have been capable of killing him... unless... yes. It must be them. Of course it's them.

Myungsoo allows himself to cry.

Myungsoo doesn't know whether or not he's welcome here, when he steps inside the hideout. Most likely not, but he'll offer all the comfort he can give. , when he enters, there’s no sign that Lee Sungyeol had eve existed. The chair that had been so affectionately called “Sungyeol’s chair” is gone; all of his shoes and clothes have disappeared. And there were no pictures to begin with.

Hoya is alone in the common room, and glances up when Myungsoo shuts the door behind him. Hoya stands up. "Myungsoo," he greets, and to Myungsoo's surprise there is no hostility in his voice, nor in his eyes or the way he moves.

"What brings you here?" Hoya asks.

"I was just thinking I'd offer my condolences..." Myungsoo replies, completely puzzled. "Hoya, what―"

"Don't speak of him," advises, cutting him off. He sighs deeply. "It's... better this way. Look, I―"

“You’re not allowing yourself time to grieve?” Myungsoo asks sharply, and Hoya shakes his head. But Myungsoo needs some answers, and watches Hoya impatiently.

"No. It's not necessary. We work with grief in our own ways. Now let me say what I want to before I change my mind, alright?"

Myungsoo just stares at him for a moment, and then finally nods. Hoya turns away and looks out one of the windows, biting his lip in thought.

"What I said that time, that day when you and Sungjong had been fighting... I didn't really mean them. I overreacted, and I apologize." Hoya turns back to Myungsoo and suddenly bows. "Forgive me."

Myungsoo gapes; he doesn’t know how to respond to this sudden change of heart. "It's fine," he says quickly, after a moment. "Really. I overreacted too, or... something. I should've known better. But... why are you apologizing?"

Hoya straightens. His lips quirk up slightly. "I figured we should just be on the same side, you know? With everything that's happened it would be better to know we have no other enemy but those that really matter. I'd rather be your... companion."

He grimaces at the word, but Myungsoo just grins and pulls him into an embrace, and heartily pats his back. "I know what you mean."

He pulls back and lets go, to see Hoya smiling back at him. But then Hoya’s smile falls. Myungsoo frowns.

“Hey, where―?”

"Behind the house," Hoya replies softly before he can ask. "Just go if you'd like, but I'd rather not come."

Myungsoo just nods and steps outside, heading around back. he’s there, he sees it. It’s not much of a grave, but it works: a wooden cross with Sungyeol’s name scribbled upon it is stuck into the ground, marking the burial. Myungsoo kneels down next to it and smiles, running his fingers over the cross.

"It was... it was nice getting to know you, Sungyeol-hyung." he says awkwardly. "I hope you're having fun, wherever you are now. We'll all miss you... I really liked you, you know?" He chuckles. "It's weird to think you're actually older than me, because you always acted so much younger. Almost like Sungjong... you two went well together. All of you go well together."

He clears his throat and pulls away, blinking. He’s not crying, he tells himself.

"Goodbye, Lee Sungyeol. You will be missed."

He turns around and tenses the instant he realizes someone is standing behind him;but relaxes when he sees it’s only Dongwoo. "Hey," he greets lightly, and Dongwoo nods at him.

"Wanna walk with me for a bit? I'd like to talk to you."

So many would like to talk to him, it seems. doesn’t mind. He nods and they walk back to the hideout.

“I’ve been coming out hereevery day since happened,”Dongwoo says airily. "Sunggyu says we shouldn't, because it'll hurt, but I know he's been doing the same when he thinks nobody's watching."

Myungsoo smiles a little. Dongwoo chuckles.

"I don't think we'll ever forget Sungyeol, as much as we want to. The gap he left behind is too big to fill."

"I suppose,” Myungsoo answers, nodding. "Maybe one day though... you never know."

Dongwoo glances over at him and opens his mouth, like he wants to say something―but instead he just bites down and replies, “Indeed.”

After a while, though, Dongwoo turns to him. “Myungsoo,” he says, putting a hand on his arm. “Be careful, all right? People you trust... they might not be as trustable as you think. Be careful in who you tell things to, and who you let close. Too many facades are put on these days."

“Sunggyu said something similar…” Myungsoo frowns at him. “Is there something going on?”

But Dongwoo just grins, and Myungsoo relaxes. “Not at all. Don't worry your pretty head. Just be careful just in case something should go on in the future.”

Myungsoo snorts at the 'pretty' comment - but grins the next second. “'Pretty head' my ass.”

Dongwoo laughs. Myungsoo doesn't think he's heard a better sound in days.

The world is cruel, he thinks as he gathers Sungjong in his arms. is still, barely breathing, with bruises all over every visible part of his body. A cut on his eyebrow is coated in fresh blood, and he’s bearing a split lip. His throat rattles.

“Sungjong-ah,” Myungsoo whispers, stroking his cheek with his fingers. He knows for sure that even when he turns to him, with half-lidded eyes, Sungjong is dying and there’s nothing he can do about it. They were never going to let him live, even if Myungsoo had gotten there much faster.

He'd gotten a phone call and everything had been a blur from there on, but somehow his feet had carried him to where he was told Sungjong was - the docks, all the way across the city - and the younger had been there all alone, lying on the cold, unforgiving ground.

Whoever they're dealing with, they're not going to live once Myungsoo is done with them. ’ll inflict all the pain he’s experiencing now on them, all the pain that Sungjong is in, all the pain that Sungyeol had been in.

Sungjong moves his hand and grips Myungsoo’s sleeves with his fingers. He smiles, even when he coughs. Blood splatters around his chin and lips. "I-It's alright... you did all you could," breathes, tears sliding down his face and disappearing into his hairline. “I’d rather... die now. It hurts so much.”

The pain rings through his voice and Myungsoo tightly shuts his eyes, feeling tears prick his eyelids. He lifts Sungjong closer and ignores the shudder running through him as he brings him into his arms.

“Will I see you again?”

Myungsoo doesn't answer at first, and when he speaks, he only says, "I've got you, Sungjong, I've got you. It's okay, you're not alone. I'm here, I'm here."

A couple of more minutes pass, minutes of shallow breathing and pained, hushed gasps; and then Sungjong exhales for one last time. Myungsoo continues holding him, and then gently lays him down on the ground. He knows he’s still crying as he carefully closes Sungjong’s eyes. Then he brings his phone out and his fingers shake as he punches in the number and waits.

It feels centuries later when the call is answered.

“I was wondering why he wasn’t coming back,” Sunggyu says softly. Myungsoo can hear the strain in his voice, and knows that Sunggyu must have already figured the loss of one more friend.

“―where are you? We’ll... we’ll come.”

Myungsoo gives him the directions, and then holds Sungjong's hand while he waits for them to get there. It's hard to think that out of six, only four are left. Sungyeol and Sungjong are dead.

He looks up at them blankly, brain not registering the blame in Hoya's eyes, and waits wordlessly. "Let's take him back," Woohyun suggests gently when none of them speak up. "We can bury him with Sungyeol... I think he would like that."

Dongwoo nods in agreement, but Hoya llike he wants to protest, though he keeps silent. Instead, he carries Sungjong back to the car by himself. They let him, and Woohyun keeps an arm over Myungsoo's shoulders as they walk, silently trying to offer comfort - although there isn’t much to be given. How can he be comforted now that Sungjong is gone?

"Are you all right?" Woohyun asks as he sits down next to Myungsoo after they finish refilling the hole in the ground. Myungsoo gives him a look and Woohyun shrugs slightly, looking at the freshly dug earth. "Doesn't hurt to ask. I just worry."

"I'm not alright," Myungsoo replies, looking at the same spot where Woohyun is staring. "But I will be, eventually. I'll just need some time to think and cope with this, just like the rest of you, I'm sure."

He sighs. Woohyun puts his hand on top of his and gives it a light squeeze. Myungsoo hesitantly leans closer, until his head is resting on Woohyun’s shoulder. Woohyun doesn’t stop him, so he slowly relaxes and drops his shovel onto the ground.

"We'll all cope," Woohyun whispers softly into his hair. Woohyun's arms wrap around Myungsoo's shoulders and pull him closer. "In our own ways, we will. We just need to adjust to a new life without them in it. We'll all die eventually, even you and me. It's a harsh reality, but it's how it is."

Myungsoo nods, and sighs. "I suppose so."

Woohyun smiles into his hair and runs his hand through the ends at his neck. "We'll just help each other the best we can, right? I'll support you, and you'll support me. I'll be your pillar of strength for as much as it's needed."

"Thank you."

Myungsoo looks up and Woohyun meets his eyes, shining in a strange way. Myungsoo blinks. Then suddenly Woohyun shifts and leans down to press their lips together.

Surprised, Myungsoo stares at Woohyun, eyes wide. What is he doing? But Myungsoo can’t bring himself to protest, and instead closes his eyes and lets himself enjoy it... just for a second or two.... or five...

He suddenly pulls away and stands up abruptly. His hands drop to his side.

"It's cold outside, isn't it? Let's go inside," he says, starting to walk away. He stops when Woohyun grabs his wrist.

"Myungsoo," he says, and Myungsoo turns his gaze resolutely ahead, not looking back at him. "What's the matter? It's not the first time we've kissed."

"We've never done it like... like that," Myungsoo protests. He tugs weakly at Woohyun's hand. "And Sungjong just died for God's sake!"

"I was just trying to give you some support," Woohyun retorts, moving closer and intertwining their fingers. "I was just trying to help."

Myungsoo finally looks back at him and Woohyun gives him a trying smile. "But you're right, it's cold. You don't have a jacket. Let's go inside... I'll take you home in a while."

Myungsoo nods. Together they walk away, not looking back. They wouldn't be able to handle that.

Woohyun pours himself a glass of wine and then lounges back on the couch. He rolls his head around, ignoring the slowly forming headache. Pretending is becoming such a bother. He needs to finalize his plan soon - he’s starting to get sick of switching between being a shabby bastard and a rich bastard, but he knows it’s worth it.

"So how are you going to go about this one, Woohyun?"

Woohyun turns his dark eyes on his partner-in-crime, so to speak. He shrugs.

"Soon. You need to be patient. We can't just charge in without knowing what to do should any kind of problem show up. They're not that dumb, after all."

His partner chuckles. It makes his headache feel worse. "Yeah? You surely make it seem like they are."

"They'll make the connections and figure out it was me all along if we're not careful," he snaps and slams the glass down onto the table. "We can't allow that to happen, dammit!”

They stare each other down for a moment. Then his partner shrugs.

"All right. But if I didn't know better, I'd say you're getting soft. Are you growing feelings for that brat?"

"Myungsoo?" Woohyun snorts. "No way. He's too gullible and emotional."

Woohyun's eyes flicker with doubt, however. His partner doesn't miss it, and laughs out loud.

"You are! You really are. Aw, that's so cute."

Woohyun gives him the best glare he can muster. "Shut up. I don't like him and I never will. I just use him, and you know this."

"Whatever you say... I'll pretend to believe you. But you better do something about it before you really get feelings for him, all right? We can't afford it if you regret your decisions."

"That won't happen," Woohyun replies firmly, leaning back down again and fetching his glass. "Now get lost if you're not going to be useful. I don't need the help of someone who'll only laugh and be useless."

"As if you'll get rid of me that easy. Someone needs to make sure you're going to go through with this."

It’s been raining like this for days. Myungsoo sighs and prepares once again to get downtrodden by the pouring rain. He’s definitely going to get a cold if this keeps up, especially since he refuses to ask anyone for a ride. But they all have more important things to think about, so Myungsoo isn’t even going to bother.

He’s only walked a couple of feet when suddenly, a very familiar care drives up to him and the window rolls down. “Gonna get in, Myungsoo?” says Woohyun with a grin. “You’ll get sick like this.” Myungsoo rolls his eyes.

"I know that," he answers. But he smiles and gets into the car. After buckling the seat belt in the passenger seat, he asks, "How come you are here?"

"I was going to see if you were home so I could drive you," Woohyun says, glancing at him. "But you were already walking so I drove up next to you. Why else?"

"Only you." shakes his head, but inwardly, he feels pleased by this. He breathes deeply and leans back on his seat, and looks out the window. “If only the rain would stop,” he says with a sigh.

Woohyun makes a noncommittal sound. “I agree,” he says, grimacing. “It’s making everything a mess and you can’t walk a block without getting soaked to the bone.”

Myungsoo is about to agree-- but then he notices something... unsettling.

“Aren’t we going in the wrong direction, Woohyun?”

Woohyun shakes his head. "No... well, sort of. They're doing construction work up ahead so we need to take a way around. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all,"

But he knows it’s a lie for he can recall other cars going in the other direction, unscathed. He shifts nervously in his seat and glances over at Woohyun. "Maybe... maybe I should just head home since the weather is so bad?"

Woohyun looks over at him. "Don't be foolish. You're coming, you dork." smiles, but his smile doesn’t reach his cold, dark eyes. Myungsoo has half a mind to open up the door and jump out, but then suddenly he hears the doors lock. Woohyun has seen straight through him.

“Woohyun, whatever you're about to do, don't.” Myungsoo says sharply. Woohyun continues staring straight ahead. “I don't know what you're planning, but if it's not good then change your mind and let me out of this car.”

"Shut up!" Woohyun back. Myungsoo is stunned into silence. “Either you shut up and come with me, or else I’m going to gag you.”

Myungsoo keeps his mouth shut. What’s going on? Maybe it’s just a joke? Some sort of weird joke that they put together to test him, to see how he’ll react. He hopes so... but this is just too weird. If it’s just a joke, then Woohyun would have been nicer about it. Right?

Myungsoo bites his lip and closes his eyes. He doesn’t open them until the car stops and the doors unlock. As Woohyun steps out of the driver’s seat, Myungsoo opens the door as fast as he can to run away; but he only gets a couple of meters before Woohyun’s body hits him, knocking him to the ground. Myungsooo lets out a half-choked cry, out of both fear and frustration. Woohyun drags him up.

His knees and palms burn from the wet rocks on the ground. Myungsoo tries to brush the dirt off of them. Woohyun drags him up by the armpit and half-leads, half-pushes him to a rundown building. From what Myungsoo can see, at least half the windows are gone and chucks of the roof are missing.

“Woohyun?” he tries, but Woohyun only pulls a gun from his belt and jams it into Myungsoo’s back. Myungsoo’s legs buckle and he falls quiet again. What is going on? What is Woohyun doing?

He unwillingly enters the building with Woohyun, and is led into the center of the main room. To his great surprise, he sees a circle of unfamiliar men standing there... standing around Sunggyu, Hoya and Dongwoo.

A cold shock runs through him.

“This was your plan all along,” he whispers.

He hears Woohyun chuckle behind him and then a hot breath in his ear.

“So you finally realized it,” he murmurs back. A pair of teeth tug on Myungsoo’s earlobe. Myungsoo wants to push him away.

A couple of men near them move aside. A rough shove on Myungsoo’s back sends him down on his knees, near Dongwoo.

Myungsoo glances around at the others. Sunggyu looks calm, but there’s a cut on his cheek. Dongwoo is staring at him with worry. Hoya has a darkening bruise on his cheekbone, and his sleeves are ripped. His burning gaze is fixed on Woohyun’s smirking face with such hate that he looks like he wants to kill him.

Not only looks - Myungsoo knows he does.

"Are you going to kill us the way you killed Sungyeol and Sungjong?" Sunggyu asks, voice steady but posture tense. "Torture and stab us?"

Woohyun walks over to him and the other men scatter to the side. “I didn’t kill Sungjong,” he says, putting a hand in his pocket. Myungsoo stares at the gun in the other hand. "But I can admit to stabbing Sungyeol. He got too curious and followed me when he shouldn't have, so I had to... stop him from gossiping, so to speak."

"You're a piece of shit." snarls Hoya.

Woohyun points the gun at him.

"Choose your words wisely, Hoya."

Hoya snorts. "You wouldn't shoot me. You're weak and pathetic."

"Hoya." Sunggyu gives him a stern look. Hoya surprisingly falls quiet. Woohyun chuckles.

"Such an obedient puppy. But you're right, I won't shoot you... doesn't mean I won't shoot him, however."

Woohyun points the gun at Myungsoo. Myungsoo’s eyes widen, but before Woohyun can even cock the gun, Sunggyu suddenly barrels into his chest. Woohyun shoots and the bullet goes straight through Sunggyu’s head.

The building fills with silence, and the aftershocks of the gunshot die away. The rain patters on the roof harder than ever, like the blood flowing out from the back of Sunggyu’s head. Myungsoo wipes a bit of the splattered blood and brain mattered from his cheek.

Then Hoya suddenly screams as he drops to his knees and scoops Sunggyu into his arms. Myungsoo watches, dazed, like he’s seen this all before in a dream.

Woohyun is unnerved. “Take them away,” he orders to the men, indicating Dongwoo and Hoya. “Do whatever the hell you want with them, but don't kill them yet."

He turns to Myungsoo and looks momentarily surprised to see him standing. Then his expression hardens. “Didn’t expect to see that, did you?”

“You’re unbelievable,” Myungsoo manages in a strained, raspy voice.

Woohyun tucks his gun into his pocket and shrugs. “Well what can I say? It was just too much fun to pass up."

Overcome with anger, Myungsoo suddenly charges at Woohyun with a yell. He gets a punch in and splits Woohyun’s lip, before Woohyun retaliates and forces him back around, locking his arms behind his back.

“Just like what this is,” he mutters into Myungsoo’s ears and bites down on his neck. Myungsoo lets out a chocked groan and strains his body.

“You’re a monster,” he hisses. Woohyun only laughs and punches him in the face, knocking him back.

“I am and I love it,” Woohyun says, bending down and gripping Myungsoo’s cheeks, smiling. “What’s the matter? Can't you handle me anymore, Myungsoo-yah? Have you gotten weaker? You seem unable to handle the death of some people you don't even know..."

Myungsoo tries not to listen, but the words ring loud in his mind, angering him even more and more. He lashes out and attacks Woohyun without thinking; to the side, he can vaguely see Dongwoo and Hoya fighting back as well.

Woohyun stops him effortlessly and Myungsoo leans against him, attempting to push him back. Woohyun merely turns so that his chest is against Myungsoo’s back, and then suddenly whistles. The rest of the men turn quiet. Myungsoo glances down at Hoya and Dongwoo. Hoya is half-conscious, and Dongwoo is weak.

“Well, Myungsoo,” says Woohyun. “Why don’t you choose which one will die? We might be nice enough to let you and the other live.”

Dongwoo’s eyes grow big with fear, and his gaze meets Myungsoo’s. Myugsoo feels himself suddenly fill with panic.

“No,” he chokes out. “I can’t choose. You can’t make me do this.”

Woohyun's hold tightens. “I can.” He sneers. “Either you choose, or we kill them both. You already have three people dead for you. Would you like a fourth, or a fifth as well?”

Myungsoo closes his eyes and turns away. His fists clench. He can't do this, it's wrong, how can he even live with-

“Kill them both,” says Woohyun, and Myungsoo's eyes fly open.

“Wait!” he shouts quickly. hears Woohyun chuckle behind him. Myungsoo wants to throttle him.

“Yes? What's your choice, Myungsoo? Howon or Dongwoo?”

“I-” Myungsoo looks back and forth for a moment, and takes a deep breath. “...Hoya.”

He closes his eyes again and Woohyun lets him drop to his knees. Forgive me, Hoya. Please, he silently begs as a single gunshot fills the room.

Myungsoo stares up at Woohyun from the ground with as much hate as he can muster. Blood drips down from his temple to the water on the ground, and he breathes heavily. Woohyun has the same annoying smirk in place as he did they day they had met. His split lip makes him look even more like a cocky bastard.

“I can’t believe you had this planned the whole time,” says Myungsoo, his voice cracking.

Woohyun’s smirk widens even more, if possible, and he kneels down and grabs Myungsoo’s hair, pulling him up and looking him in the eyes.

“You’re weak, Myungsoo...Haven't you seen? You couldn't protect Sungyeol, Sunggyu or Hoya. Couldn't get there in time to save Sungjong.”

Woohyun is taunting him, and the worst part is: it works.

“I hope that one day you'll choke on the shit you talk,” Myungsoo snarls and spits on him. pulls back. The smirk disappears from his face and is replaced by a strange gleam in his eyes. He wipes his cheek.

“Perhaps I will,” he says. “But I’ll die knowing that I beat you.”

He turns and walks away, leaving Myungsoo amongst the puddles of water and blood and the bodies of the dead; of Sunggyu, who saved him like the good leader he always was; of Hoya, who didn't want to go down without a fight. Further away lies Dongwoo, alive but unable to move.

He lights the white stick between his fingers and brings it to his lips. He inhales, and then sighs deeply as the smell of smoke settles around them, seeping into their clothing.

“You really ought to stop that, you know,” Dongwoo says. Myungsoo snorts at him.

“As if you don't smoke. I can smell it, you know.”

Dongwoo grins sheepishly, but it fades soon enough as he turns his gaze towards the building. “You sure you wanna do this? We don't even know if he's there, and if he is he might not be alone.” he says, an almost thoughtful expression settling in place. “I didn't take you for the revenge-type of guy either.”

“It's been a month,” Myungsoo says quietly in return. “I'm not usually the revenge-type of guy, but I can't let him get away with killing all of our friends... for killing the people who trusted him and had faith in him. Sungjong was just seventeen.”

“I suppose you're right,” says Dongwoo. “He almost did kill us too...” absently brings a hand to his own shoulder, perhaps thinking about when Woohyun had stabed him. He ignores the scar next to his mouth.

Myungsoo smiles without any emotion. “You don't have to come if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you.”

“Don't be “stupid,” says Dongwoo and hits him on the shoulder. It’s a little harder than necessary, probably because he’s nervous.

They walk alogn wordlessly, and Dongwoo looks around as Myungsoo leads the the way into the hotel and up the stairs. They don’t speak when they get to the fifth floor; they glance at each other and exchange a silent nod. Stealthily, they walk down the hall until they fight the correct room.

“Should we knock?” Dongwoo asks softly, staring at the door in front of them.

Myungsoo grits his teeth and shakes his head, taking a step back. “Help me or step aside.” murmurs. He knows that this is the last time Dongwoo has to back out and pretend this had never happened.

Dongwoo bits his lip, looks to the side, and then takes his place next to Myungsoo. Together, they bring their legs up and kick the door as hard as they can. It flies open and hits the far wall.

Myungsoo strides in and pulls out a gun from his pocket. He aims it at the lone figure sitting on a chair overlooking the city.

“So you finally came.”

The chair turns around. Inside sits Woohyun, smirking, cocked gun in his own hand. “I’m surprised you’re so late.”

“Cut the crap,” Myungsoo says, glaring at him from beneath his banggs. He knows that Woohyun could eliminate them in seconds, but he’s not going down without a fight.

Woohyun laughs. “Are you still grieving, Myungsoo-yah? Can’t you get over the loss of them... and me?”

In his peripheral vision, Myungsoo can see Dongwoo frown at him. Myungsoo tries to ignore the pang in his chest. “Don’t be a fool, Woohyun. I'd never grieve over you, and you know it. In the past I might have, but not after what you did.”

Woohyun smirks. “Oh?” he says, relaxing his stance. “Because I think you are. You're grieving because you don't have anyone to lean on anymore. Sure, you have Dongwoo, but he can't help you the way I did, can he? He doesn't mean the same to you as what I did, and you're secretly wishing he and I could swap places.”

“Shut up!” roars, trying to steady his shaking hands. “You're lying. Dongwoo is more of a friend to me than what you ever were.”

“Exactly. I was more to you than just a friend. I was everything to you, however brief it was.” Woohyun smiles sardonically. “Don't lie to yourself, Myungsoo. Don't deny yourself of what you want.”

“Don't listen to him, Myungsoo,” Dongwoo says quickly, eyes going between the both of them. “Remember what he did to them!”

“I know!” snaps. His fingers tighten around the gun. “I know, Do-”

A gunshot sounds, and Dongwoo jerks, letting out a pained gasp. Myungsoo spins around to see a man in the doorway, aiming his own gun at Dongwoo down on the ground. Dongwoo is clutching shoulder--the very shoulder Woohyun had stabbed.

Myungsoo doesn’t know who to aim at: the stranger or Woohyun. He sees Dongwoo managing to pick himself up, and brings his uninjured arm up, still clutching the gun. He aims at the stranger. Myungsoo turns to Woohyun again, sending him a scorching glare.

“Any final words, Woohyun?” he spits out.

Woohyun smiles.

“I just want to let you know that it’ll be a pleasure watching you die.”

He suddenly raises his own hand and shoots; without thinking, Myungsoo throws himself to the side. He fires his own gun in return and all of a sudden, everything in a mess of shouts and screams and gunfire. Smells of smoke and blood fill his nostrils. He hears a loud crash and glass shattering--then everything falls deathly quiet.

Myungsoo wonders if he’s dead. He opens his eyes. He’s still in the hotel room. Hearing his heartbeat loud in his ears, he picks himself up and looks around. A chair is on its side, and the stranger who had been in the doorway is lying on the ground in a pool of blood, a bullet in both his chest and his head. Dongwoo is bleeding profusely from his shoulder, but he’s alive, bent down and grimacing in pain. Myungsoo looks around for Woohyun.

He makes his way to the broken window and looks down. There, five floors down, Woohyun is laying on the pavement, surrounded by blood and broken glass. Myungsoo closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.The image of his broken body is embedded into his brain, just like the sight of Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungjong’s body. He never did see Sungyeol’s.

Myungsoo,” Dongwoo says quietly, walking over to the ledge as well. “Did you-?”

“No.” Myungsoo answers and pulls away from the window.“Come on, let's go.”

He walks away with a blank face and just wants to get the hell out of there before the police shows up. understands and together they leave, not stopping until the hotel is nothing but a speck in the distance. Then they stop and Dongwoo leans against the nearest wall to rest.

Myungsoo walks over and rips Dongwoo’s shirt open, ignoring the confused expression on Dongwoo’s face. They remain silent as Myungsoo stares at him, while in the back of his mind trying to decide what to do. After a moment, they start walking again, with Myungsoo supporting Dongwoo along the way as they head toward Myungsoo’s house. As soon as they reach the bathroom, as Myungsoo looks around for his safety kit, Dongwoo speaks.

“Are you going to be all right?” he asks carefully.

Myungsoo stops. He turns his body away, and faces the window, where the sun is barely rising in the distance.

“Yeah,” he finally says, and turns to give Dongwoo a small smile. “I’m going to be okay.”

Myungsoo still thinks of Woohyun. He has dreams about him, about how they used to be and how they'd walk back and forth without saying anything, only taking comfort in each other's presence. he has dreams of Woohyun dying in different ways, and wakes up thinking that Woohyun is there with a gun pointed at his head, no regret in his words or actions.

He and Dongwoo never speak of what had happened. They eventually drift apart, and end up only calling each other once a month to make sure that they’re both alive and breathing.

Sometimes he sees a man who resembles Sunggyu or Hoya or anyone, and has half a mind to call out their name. But he never does. He doesn’t want to live with the possibility that they might be alive, even though he had seen them die.

He never forgets any of them, never moves on. He does his best to make his life worth it. He does his best to forgive himself for being alive.

Poll Round 16: When I'm unable to see inwards it's time to look around

cycle: 2011, team au, 2011 round 16: without u, fandom: infinite

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