I'm going to say this with as much kindness as the net can muster: it's a freakin' MOVIE. Not real. Fiction. Fictional characters. You're sounding like the Catholic church regarding "The DaVinci Code" whereas it's a film, motion picture.
and and why are you kicked out of your room if your roomie fell asleep with her b/f? that doesn't make sense.
congrats on being done with your first year!!! Proud of ya!
and lastly, i'm having some PB&J sammiches and watching a DVR special on SHERMANS MARCH. I did chuckle as they talk about Lincoln, the civil war, etc. and they cut to commercial and this program was brought to me by...the brand new LINCOLN CONTINENTAL CAR. I giggled.
I'm going to say this with as much kindness as the net can muster: it's a freakin' MOVIE. Not real. Fiction. Fictional characters. You're sounding like the Catholic church regarding "The DaVinci Code" whereas it's a film, motion picture.
As for writing the Lincoln story, you've, been, uh, kinda beat to the punch: the one novel, "Lincoln" won some awards (http://www.amazon.com/Lincoln-David-Herbert-Donald/dp/068482535X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/002-9306305-4719248?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1178820586&sr=1-2) and if memory serves, Steven Spielberg is doing a movie on Abe with Niam Leeson as the tophated emancipator. soooo, yeah.
and and why are you kicked out of your room if your roomie fell asleep with her b/f? that doesn't make sense.
congrats on being done with your first year!!! Proud of ya!
and lastly, i'm having some PB&J sammiches and watching a DVR special on SHERMANS MARCH. I did chuckle as they talk about Lincoln, the civil war, etc. and they cut to commercial and this program was brought to me by...the brand new LINCOLN CONTINENTAL CAR. I giggled.
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