
Nov 21, 2006 21:54

I've decided I need to own more Mel Brooks movies. In fact, I need to own at least one Mel Brooks movie to begin with.

I'm back in Atlanta for a few days and had a lot of fun on my flight back in-- the supervisor at AirTran is awesome and bumped me up to business first and I ran in to Eva Krug and the flight attendant told her she could sit with me in business first and it was glorious!

Ate a whole lot upon getting home, which greatly improved my mood, and watched some Spin City and Law and Order and A&E mysteries and chatted with Emily. Then I went and spent *shudder* $50 at CVS and took my mom to dinner at Ru San's.

Now, I watch SVU and drink soda water with lemon and eat pretzels. Yum. More later, I suppose.

OK, and the fucked up child on SVU just set the lady cop's apartment on fire.

dinner, rhodes people, home, shopping, travel, first class, tv

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