Nov 17, 2006 22:47
No, I'm not dead!
I am, however, so freakin' behind on LJ that I'm not really going to bother going over the last two weeks of friends entries, so if something important happened then leave it in the comments...
Basically, I've been working and watching movies and sleeping. I went to Atlanta and saw Emily and Clare and had some Raging Burrito and my first Raging 'Rita and saw Luke *pauses to think of doing dirty things to Luke* and generally had a blast.
I'm still completely in love with Continental/ExpressJet and I still hate mono. Though the good news is that it looks like it might be on its way out. I'm cleared to do bins 30 bags or less says my doctor and my spleen never really got swollen at all.
Officiating is going well and I'm impressing everyone, which of course I'm all about. I got to see Joe Dominey who is the craziest and coolest mother in the league; he's Laredo's radio guy but used to work for Memphis. He has a bit of a temper and almost hit me with a chair last year because when he gets angry he kicks things, though never people. When he's not angry he's a really cool guy, he stood there and chatted with me about what I want to do, told me I didn't want to work in hockey and I assured him that it wouldn't be for long if at all because I'd rather work with nonprofits, etc, etc. Basically, he's good people. Just, you know, don't piss him off.
I've also accomplished a new high with the hockey players who think I'm hot-- the backup goalie ran in to the boards tonight during warmups while he was checking me out. He's been working his way up to it and finally did it tonight; it was pretty amusing. The Kings also had a super quality giveaway-- a hunting vest. That's right, a hunting vest.
Only in Mississippi.
I also figured out that with my days off, I can go down and see my Grandaddy and my Aunt Anne and Uncle Lou! Yay!
I think that's really about it for now. I'm healthy again, I love work, I love officiating, and we're teetering on the edge of me going back to Rhodes next semester. If I don't go back next semester, I think I'll just stick around post-graduation next year and wait until December to job hunt in Austin. I mean, if I keep the job at XJT, I have a way to get to Austin for interviews and such, so I can keep working at XJT and try to find a job in Austin as long as I need to! I mean, yeah, the whole apartment thing is tricky, but whatever. I'll work it out.
And with that, I bid you adieu. I'll try to keep up better from now on since I have a semblance of a schedule and I don't want to just come home and sleep so much anymore.
cool people,
general updates,
funny stuff,