So I have to say that sometimes, these people make it hard to make them look bad-- I mean, you know the saying that there's no publicity that's bad publicity?
David McMenemy is one of those guys that kinda makes you wonder where that saying came from...
Tonight was kind of a stressful night at work, I'm not sure what the deal was but everyone was completely on edge. Matthill even got pissy, and Matt's (from what I can tell) a pretty chill guy. People also are just stupid. Like, really, what the hell? Does the fact that we work at a restaurant suggest that we are the stupidest people ever? That's what I thought.
1. There were a fucking assload of reservations. By assload I mean that there were 2 for 530, and like 4 for between 630-7. Six, six total parties with a total of about 50+ people. People called at fucking FIVE O'CLOCK to make reservations for that night. I mean, what the hell? They also walked in with parties of 10 and were kind of upset when we didn't automatically have a table ready for them.
2. Some guy calls at 5 to get a reservation for a party of 10. We tell him we can't take any more reservations tonight and he's like, "Well what's the wait goign to be like at 10 for the patio?" "Sir, we don't know... it's hard to tell." "You can't even give me an estimate? Why not? Come on!" He like yelled at Lauren for five minutes because he was a stupid ass.
3. Interestingly enough, though, Lauren is a dance teacher. Lauren is the girl who reminds me exactly of Gwen. Yeah. Crazy wierd shit.
OK, I'm stuffed full of Indian food now, so I'm going to watch a movie, damnit.
Guh. Have to go deal with apartment bullshit tomorrow morning and then work a double. As in, I'll get there at 1130 and work through until about 1130. At least I'll have some bitchin' overtime on my next paycheck.
Anyone know if you can cash a money order at the PO?