Say Anything

Jul 08, 2006 18:02

I'm just going to bullet point this because, well, it just drives me crazy otherwise.

Last night:
*I get lots of tables-- yay! These two older women, maybe 60ish? come in and have drinks and fried green tomatoes. They're there FOREVER and I get them change for a $20. They leave $3. That's it. As in, there's the bill with $18 total on it and they leave three. I'm not sure what happened there, but that's the only time that's ever happened to me.

I didn't realize this until about 10 minutes after they'd left and that damn fence makes it impossible to go find people like we used to be able to (the number of times I looked out the upper windows and chased someone across the square with a forgotten credit card/umbrella/fancy pair of sunglasses...). The people who sat down there got to see my crestfallen face. They were really sweet, though, and left me a 50% tip on their martinis.

*We get slammed. Good if it weren't for the fact that there were only three of us running the place and we had to serve, run, and bus.

*A table comes up, they're just here for drinks, they've only barely decided when I get to them. I warn them that we're really busy, but I'll get their drinks up ASAP. Five minutes later, Bo's made two of the four drinks and is working on the others and the table comes down completely livid, screaming about how they've waited for 15 minutes for their drinks (god forbid) and they're late for their reservations and it's all our fault, blah blah blah. I just look at them like they're horrible people who have just ruined my night because that was the second thing and now I'm just waiting for the third.

*Laura Pettit's mom (for those of you who went to DHS) comes in and calls me Martha, my mother's name. "Didn't you used to spend a little time with Laura?" she asks. Nope, none. None whatsoever. I was tempted to say that, too. She had crazy Bob with her. Apparently they're still waiting for the big white bird to come take them away...

*I have this sweet little couple in the corner, we've been so busy I've hardly had time to even get them water. I go over to get their order and the guy asks for the special. I assume he means the salmon special. I get their soup and their food in, but they've come in at the tail end of everything being put in, including a few five tops and a four top or two. It takes ages to get their food up and when I deliver, it turns out that by special he meant the pork.

Luckily, they were really nice and he ate the salmon (really liked it, actually) and I got Bo to comp her soup and they still left me $5.50 on $25 and didn't seem to be too upset that they'd come in for dinner after all.

*Did closing sidework for the opener, ready to get the hell out and go home. Go downstairs to close out and Bo's just gotten slammed at the bar. I take a couple tables for him and make some drinks and am there another hour and a half. We finally get all that closed out and the story of my screaming table gets passed around the Sage staff as well, so I make myself a Stoli Raz and Coke and go sit outside with Matt. And this crazy black chick who hits on everything that walks and thinks that African men "with them big dicks" shouldn't be gay because they should be "fuckin that so hard, just UH bangin out that uterus!" I chat with my last table (the one that led me to learn how to make a Long Island Iced Tea) because they've finished up and we're all a little wierded out by the crazy chick. Chris comes over with Luke and Jake (Sage folks) and are waiting for Carrie and Devon to come out and so I slam the rest of my drink and use them as an excuse to get away from crazy lady and leave poor Matt to her clutches.

*Invite myself along to Twain's, grab Luke's butt, have a few drinks, eat Luke's fries (man I wish I could make that sexual) and hang out with my Sage buddies. Everyone filters out about 2, and then Chris (Phillip the Russian's roommate) and I hang out for another while, then we head over to Azul where I have another drink by my buddy John the waiterbartender and I finally roll home about 4am.

It ended up being an OK night post-work, but I just don't even want to deal with people tonight, y'know? I'm exhausted, just want to curl up and watch a movie.

Hopefully I'll make some money tonight and everything will be hunky dory.

azul, mean people, crazy people, birdis, twain's, work, decatur, sage

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