rhondacrockett, got the money for the ponies! I'll let you know when they go in the mail. Should be in the next couple of days...along with all of the other boxes I have to get out. Heh. ^^;;
Came home to an interesting email. A
review on 'Closing in on Freedom'--chronologically the last finished fic in the Schuldig/Birman series I did...a while ago--from a Schuldig/Birman shipper.
Seriously? I didn't think there were other Schuldig/Birman shippers. And they like my series. And are begging for more. This makes me happy. ^^;; (There's actually two other fics in the series that I started, but never finished. One I think I just forgot about, and the other...uh...emotional overload, thanks.)
New Yuna wig is awesome. Just have to find the mate to the boot I have and do the other boot, and that little fix-up project'll be done.
Elena wig is...almost perfect. I'm just worried that the hairspray won't be enough to hold it in place. Guess I'll be flipping it out of my eyes if it doesn't. Or something. Of course, it sheds something serious. And it's really light blonde so it'll show up nicely against dark blue/black suits. (Remind me to remove all traces of the Reno wig from my bag before the con, please? Don't need that joke following me around. Again. ^^;;)
I have two days off that I didn't ask for, so I have no plans. I'm going to go catch up on a month of chaos and two weeks of depression. And try to get my knee functioning like it should be. o_O
I'm getting old. ;P
Shoot. Need to find the CD-R stack...
Edit: Nothing like crouching down on the floor beside the dog to scratch her head and promptly getting nearly clawed into a sitting position and sprawled across like a pillow. And we're not talking a little dog. This is my 13-14 year old, 70+ pound German Shepherd mix here.
And I can't see how I can possibly be a comfortable pillow. Too bony. ^^;;