So apparently I can't sleep curled up in a ball like I used to in the winter. Or even on my side for the moment. Discovered this after waking up half curled up under the blankets like normal with my back in much pain. Ugh.
So, the
drawing that ended up on my cards last year wasn't my first idea. The first idea was Reno laughing at Tseng, who had a big bow tied around his neck and was looking rather disgruntled.
But Reno wouldn't cooperate and picked a really nasty pose to draw, so that never quite worked out.
The other day I was going through the back ups looking for the scan of the receipt for my camera when I found the half colored picture...
So I finished coloring it last night.
I think I need to redraw the Shinra logo on his butt. My hand was shaking and cramped too badly last night when I got that far.
And if you throw anything at me for that drawing, you better make sure it's soft. ;P
Now I'm going to go figure out how to put myself into a better mood for work because a random bout of depression is taking over and I can't seem to pinpoint the cause OR a way to stop it. Well, other than mixing the Aleve and caffeine and...uh...VERY NOT FUN, THANK YOU!
I love mood swings. x_x
Edit: I..uh...there's at least two Tufted Titmice trying to get in through my bedroom window. I think the birds are getting a little too friendly. o_O