Holiday snippet update

Nov 26, 2010 17:18

I hate holidays.

Gonna play the ‘making this about me’ game for a few minutes. My brother got pulled over for reckless driving on his way to get more gouda for my mushroom bread pudding recipe. He will almost assuredly lose his license and might even see jail time because he’s had so many infractions/tickets/points lost/whatever.

My real thought? Another one of my day-long cooking forays has been ruined. He’s angry for being sent to get cheese (even though he was the one speeding 80 in a 50) and now Ed’s mad at Kris. Amber was sad because he got one, but then he came home and bitched about it, so she’s angry at him. And I’m disappointed/apathetic, because while I had an inkling, it still sucks that my meal which I spent two days preparing will be without good conversation, and, really, a bit awkward because GOD KNOWS it will get brought up, and the food will taste a bit sour.

Happy fucking Thanksgiving.

(Brighter note: duck is done, bread pudding and pumpkin soufflé are in the oven, brussel sprouts are bathing in a little bit of bacon grease, green bean casserole is cooling, and it all looks amazing.)
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