Apogee Requests!

Jul 28, 2009 21:14

Ok, so I need an idea for a mission and I need it FAST. I thought I had one that worked but as it turns out, I don't. What can you do? So if there's something you've been wanting to see in Apogee, let me know! Preferably a general mission so I can edit accordingly. Like, if I had to describe 6's mission, I'd say "mystery space disease forces ground ( Read more... )

fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, writing: fic

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Comments 60

anonymous July 29 2009, 01:39:51 UTC
Reprise on Paradise:

The crew visits a planet which was due to join the Federation, but the inhabitants missed a check-in or whatever because they're suffering the effects of a mind altering drug. Perhaps they know that they're under the influence but refuse to do anything about it because they feel that their quality of life is improved. Enterprise's mission would be to change their mind.

Question for Spock: who was your first kiss?


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 02:54:59 UTC
Oh, interesting! I don't think I've seen Paradise yet, oh no wait, I think I have actually! This Side of Paradise, you mean? Hmm... I shall ponder this. *ponders*

Of course that WOULD be the first question! XD

Spock: "I must admit I do not understand the relevance of your question. Nonetheless, I have not kissed anyone in the Vulcan method. I have only engaged in kissing Lieutenant Uhura using the human method. This obsession with kissing you humans have is disturbing."


devilishdestiny July 29 2009, 02:40:36 UTC
well, there's always the old, "away team stranded overnight on ice planet and must huddle for warmth" bit.

"two planets of one species in the same system have been fighting for generations but now need to get along and breed so their race doesn't die out. they don't trust each-other and need neutral ground. que awesome diplomatic Enterprise!"

"sooooo . . . Ms. Uhura, if you had to pick between Mr. Scott and Mr. McCoy to date, who would you and why?" -- Inquiring Minds

"Mr. Sulu, would you ever consider dating a co-worker?" -- Secret Admirer

"Mr. Spock, have you ever considered a career outside of the sciences?" -- Ensign D.K.


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 03:05:50 UTC
Hmm, ice planets could be fun. I can see that. And that second idea is interesting, it might work, too. Hmm...

Uhura: "Uh, in case you haven't noticed, I'm dating Spock. But, just to humor you, I'd probably go with McCoy. Scotty's all right, but I'd rather have a guy I can talk to and not just laugh at. Plus, McCoy's hotter."

Sulu: "Well, we would have to agree beforehand that we wouldn't bring our relationship to work. I don't think that sort of thing is appropriate. But other than that, why not? I've got no problem dating a co-worker."

Spock: "It is logical for me to continue working in the field that I can be of the most use. The sciences are a fascinating subject that deal solely in facts. If I was to consider working in another area, that area would also have to deal strictly with logic. However, I achieve a great deal of satisfaction from solving a problem no one else can. I believe the sciences are one area of study which I am singularly suitable for."


rhenia_ra July 29 2009, 02:55:00 UTC
The "vaguely resembling historical Earth" eps were always lovely in TOS... Nazi!Spock? Yes please! If we could get him in tights and a wig, I'd be down with that too >:D


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 03:07:37 UTC
Yeah, those are way fun, you're right. I see your sole goal in life is to get Spock dressing up in fun outfits so he can role-play with Kirk before the crazy hot gay sex ensues. I'm down with that. XD


rhenia_ra July 29 2009, 03:24:50 UTC
Why, that sounds nothing like me there could be Victorian vampire kink, or Celtic warrior porn... hot damn, sci-fi lends itself to such wonders~! ♥


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 03:39:55 UTC

In the meantime, the best I can say is that when they DO eventually get together, Jim will try to talk Spock into it. H'okay?


Hmmm... fight4foo July 29 2009, 05:00:01 UTC
I think it would be interesting to have Kirk accidentally switched bodies, you know like in the Janice Lester episode of the original series. (And then Spock was the one to figure it all out, of course).

Ooooh, a question then...Jim: What was your favorite class at Starfleet academy and why?


Re: Hmmm... kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 05:33:53 UTC
LOL, I haven't seen that ep yet but I've heard a lot about it. I'm definitely looking forward to it! I'll take that idea under consideration, too. \o/

Jim: "Okay, so don't spread this around or anything, but I actually liked a lot of classes at the Academy. You know, not the boring ones, though. But, um, if I had to pick one, I guess I'd go with Survival Strategies. That was fun. And useful. But I'm not going to talk about how a certain Vulcan acting Captain marooned me on a certain ice planet, since I'm not bitter about it or anything." *glares at Spock* "Oh, and I liked Tactical Analysis. Figuring out how to win fights is a good time. Same thing with Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat. Oh and maybe also Forensic Psychology, it's really cool that you can look at a few clues and figure out who killed Professor Plum in the library with the wrench."

Yay for Memory Alpha, that's really all I can say right now. *headdesk*


rainbowstrlght July 29 2009, 05:46:19 UTC
(1) Missions: Hmm. There's several different types from TOS to choose from. The demi-god ones are always fun. I'm also partial to the time-travel bits. There's a fun episode from season three where they get trapped in a ghost town that's all in their minds. (Which is AWESOME, because Chekov gets the girl, and Kirk is all, "Hey, no time for flirting Oh hey, Spock ♥.") It's a cool, adaptable episode because it's all about challenging reality; and Spock has to mind-meld with everyone to convince them that's it's all a delusion. Except this time Jim can just believe Spock, or something... I don't know. (There were kind of a lot of episodes like that though, weren't there ( ... )


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 06:08:26 UTC
Oh, those are all great ideas! Drat, I need to really sit down and think this through! Ah, agonize! Angst! Woe and despair! *flails around* Too many good ideas and not enough time to do them all! Disco ball society is AMAZING. Sadly it might be out of place for Apogee, BUT IT IS STILL AMAZING. \o/

Chekov: "Um, who is sexier?" *looks around nervously* "Well, they both have their... um, good points. Captain Kirk has a very nice... well, and Mr. Spock is quite... but of course that's not to say that I would try and do anything because they're involved. I suppose Mr. Spock does look good in a uniform, but I think the Captain looks better without one." *eyes widen* "I didn't mean it like that! Not like--what I meant was in normal clothing! You know, like a t-shirt or jeans! I didn't mean that."

I had never seen it before. It's always good to find those random jewels. <3 ( ... )


rainbowstrlght July 29 2009, 15:49:05 UTC
Sadly it might be out of place for Apogee, BUT IT IS STILL AMAZING. \o/

What? You mean you DON'T want a scene where Bones has to strut around in polyester and bell-bottoms while Jim resists singing the BeeGees under his breath?! I JUST DON'T GET YOU. ;)

I love your Chekov so much, it's freakin' ridiculous. He is cuter than a basket of golden retrievers and pandas with red ribbons spelling "SEWENTEEN" on them or some shit. He's just adorable. ♥

OMG, PINTO: How obsessed am I with Pinto? Well, I certainly never spent three hours of my life compiling a blind item compilation post about them, or speculated inappropriately about why they aren't seen in public together, or made biased, untrue statements about their body language, or what they say to each other, or went out on a limb and tried to guess their sexuality and sexual habits through various photographs ( ... )


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 17:22:58 UTC
LMFAO, maybe I should write a mission where they go through different fantasy locations, it could work there. But I think not. *headdesk* STILL FUNNY THO! XD ( ... )


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