Apogee Requests!

Jul 28, 2009 21:14

Ok, so I need an idea for a mission and I need it FAST. I thought I had one that worked but as it turns out, I don't. What can you do? So if there's something you've been wanting to see in Apogee, let me know! Preferably a general mission so I can edit accordingly. Like, if I had to describe 6's mission, I'd say "mystery space disease forces ground ( Read more... )

fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, writing: fic

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rainbowstrlght July 29 2009, 15:49:05 UTC
Sadly it might be out of place for Apogee, BUT IT IS STILL AMAZING. \o/

What? You mean you DON'T want a scene where Bones has to strut around in polyester and bell-bottoms while Jim resists singing the BeeGees under his breath?! I JUST DON'T GET YOU. ;)

I love your Chekov so much, it's freakin' ridiculous. He is cuter than a basket of golden retrievers and pandas with red ribbons spelling "SEWENTEEN" on them or some shit. He's just adorable. ♥

OMG, PINTO: How obsessed am I with Pinto? Well, I certainly never spent three hours of my life compiling a blind item compilation post about them, or speculated inappropriately about why they aren't seen in public together, or made biased, untrue statements about their body language, or what they say to each other, or went out on a limb and tried to guess their sexuality and sexual habits through various photographs.

... Yeah, NOPE. :D

YES, YOU MUST WRITE THE PINTO FIC. Because until Princess Whitelaw declares his love publicly, we just have to speculate AND THAT'S NOT MY FAULT. *ahem*

(Yeah, I have to go to work now, but I could fan-girl all day... which is a little sad, I don't know, LOL.)


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 17:22:58 UTC
LMFAO, maybe I should write a mission where they go through different fantasy locations, it could work there. But I think not. *headdesk* STILL FUNNY THO! XD

Chekov is such fun to write in every way, SRSLY. He's fricking adorable, agreed. *cuddles him*

So I love your links and I read them all and I have three comments to make. 1: OMG WHEN ZQ SAYS ILU TO XFINE I PRACTICALLY CHOKED ON MY FANGIRLISH SCREAM OF GLEE!! 2: I've never heard of blind items before, but then again I don't follow ONTD. Maybe I should, it looks way fun. But time! I don't have the time. How about you keep on posting stuff like that and I'll get it from you, h'okay? XP 3: On my left hand, my pointer and ring fingers are equal length. On my right hand, my pointer finger is longer than my ring finger. So what, my left half is gay and my right half isn't? XD

Um, I suck and fail but who is Princess Whitelaw? I have not heard this nickname before. *epic fail* But yes, Pinto fic must occur and I must write it! It's just that they're so fucking INTELLIGENT! It's hard to write two characters that smart bantering. It could go on for days at a time! :P The sex is easy to write though not that I've tried or anything nope.

Um, fangirling all day is what I do, so you're in good company! ♥♥♥


bloody_beary July 30 2009, 01:09:11 UTC
Whitelaw is Chris Pine's middle name if I remember correctly.


kowaiyoukai July 30 2009, 19:28:57 UTC
Thanks! ♥ Good to know.


rainbowstrlght July 30 2009, 04:34:04 UTC
Oh well, there's always the kink meme... although I'm horribly lazy, and then it would turn into a polyester fetish thing, or something. Only God knows. *shudders*

(1) ME TOO. ZQ is so freakin' adorable; although I'm sure he says that to ALL the pretty boys. ♥
(2) ONTD is a den of sin and debauchery - which means it can be fun. They don't post blind items all that often, though... I usually have to hunt for them between all the High School Musical crap they post (it depends on how into pop culture you are, as half the time I kinda go, "Huh?" at what they post... I'm old, that's why, lol.) Blind items are a tricky business - Ted Casablanca on E!Online is what got me hooked, like, six years ago; when he started the most infamous of the blind items - TOOTHY TILE (closeted A-list star, totally trying to do the beard thing now; speculated to be Jake Gyllenhaal.) I find them to be fun, because... they are most likely made up, but also generally based on believable tinsel-town gossip. Totally squirted soda out of my nose when I saw Chris listed as a "And it ain't" for a gay vice, because - seriously? He wasn't even a big star at the time, and yet people might suggest him as the culprit? It seriously made me go, "Hmmm."
(3) The finger-thing isn't perfect, but since my hands are the same way, I take it to mean "half-gay", LOL. I got some comments out of it from other bloggers, and people who were bi reported the same thing, and a straighty had uneven fingers all around. Personally, being pansexual, I guess that's as close as the finger thing can get to me, I don't know. Sexuality is so nuanced. But yeah - from the pic of Chris' hands, I keep thinking he has one set that are the same length, and another set uneven. So who knows! (Since I'm the only one on Earth who seems to get a bi-vibe from him, I look for confirmation wherever I can get it... because I'm stubborn like that, LOL.)

"Princess Whitelaw" is an ONTD thing. Chris was called "Princess" by Zach in this fic; and then "Whitelaw" is apparently his middle name (I don't know, I haven't gone the route of reading his wiki or anything, so it could be untrue, LOL.) I find it ADORABLE.... but then again, I call my brother "Buttercup", so I have an odd sense of humor. XD

PINTO FIC! ♥ Not that you asked my opinion, BUT: The thing I find most annoying about some Pinto fics is trying to make them sound too smart... if that makes any sense. I don't think Zach talks about Carl Jung all the time, and I don't think Chris always uses the strangest words in his vernacular (although as an English major, he probably enjoyed pulling "moribund" out of his ass, OMG.)

I would say that intelligence isn't about trying to impress other people, but rather in observing things others might not, and then commenting about it. I think half the time Pinto's witty banter is just that - a shared odd-take on something; and then Zach is overly critical about it, while Chris is open-minded and defensive on it. (The interview that comes to mind is "How does it feel to be the hunkiest guys right now?" *both blink* "Here? Right now?" Seriously - what are they, sharing the same damn brain wave-length? Same Kool-Aid? LOL.)

But yeah... maybe that's what you meant. They can certainly get on a roll around each other. ♥ It's what makes them so easy to ship and write sex for. Seriously, is anything sexier than a "rivalry of the English language"?!

Actually, I sometimes wonder if their banter isn't like something on The West Wing, since Chris said that if he wasn't an actor, he'd want to be a political speech writer (like the boy couldn't get ANY SEXIER, CHRIST.)

*ahem* And, yeah, a confession: I work a boring filing job, so I think of Pinto more often than I should. More often it's Zach's face at "Moribund?!?!", and then I crack up, and the head librarian's like, "WHAT?"

(Seriously - MORIBUND. I cannot get over that dude using that word, SAT motherfucker...)


kowaiyoukai July 30 2009, 19:49:11 UTC
YOU KNOW FUCKING SHIT!! I had a comment and firefox erased it. DDD: OK, re-writing now. *headdesk*

So DO you have a polyester fetish? It's okay to admit it, you know. I won't judge. XP

1. I think he only says it it Chris b/c ZQ is still hoping Chris will man up and admit they're dating. *cheers them on* \o/
2. LMFAO, ONTD is fun. I checked it out a bit. I just don't actually know who most of the people are, but it's still fun. XP
3. Well, I forget if I told you or somebody else this, I consider myself either private-list-sexual or unlabeled. So, yeah, I guess it works, or at least I've got no real complaints.

OMFG THAT FIC YOU LINKED TO HAD ME HOT AND BOTHERED ALL FUCKING NIGHT LONG. *heavy panting ensues* FUUUCKIIIING HOOOOOOOTTT *licks Pinto* I figured the nickname referred to Chris b/c he's so girly and all. *loves him* I LOVE IT. \o/

I didn't mean that I'd make them obnoxiously smart. I just mean, constant intelligent and odd banter is hard to pull off all the time. But I also wouldn't want to go that route with this fic. It's kind of a more experimental fic, I guess? I play with words sometimes, you know, it's a sickness. Truly, it is. :P

Yeah, I remember that interview and thinking, "Damn, they both thought the same thing at the exact same time, and it was so weird!" But that's what makes them such fun, I think. It's very enjoyable.

LOL, yeah, I guess that's what I meant after all. English people get hot and bothered for words. It's awesomesauce. *starts thinking about Pinto pr0n* LOL, it's actually probably also why there's so many intelligent people in fandom, now that I think about it. All of those acronyms and mashups are just too much fun to resist. \o/

Chris is constantly getting sexier with every passing second. I don't know how ZQ can hold himself back, I really don't.

XFINE IS AN SAT MOTHERUCKER. THIS IS TRUE. And if you're up for it, maybe you could beta my Pinto fic once it's, you know, actually written? That won't be for a long time yet, at least two or three months probably. But still? They'll be vocabulary in it. *puppy dog eyes combined with hopeful face equals winning combo of getting what you want*


rainbowstrlght July 31 2009, 00:01:14 UTC
Firefox has been a testy bitch with me, lately. Don't those folks know that the reason I SWITCHED to them was because IE was all temperamental like that? Geez. MY SYMPATHIES.

So DO you have a polyester fetish? It's okay to admit it, you know. I won't judge. XP

Well, he makes it so damn easy, I don't know. (Wait, that's my cross-dressing fetish... so easy to confuse the two!)

THAT FIC IS HOT LIKE WHOA, I AGREE. Hence why it's in my bookmarks... for easy reference... *ahem* "PRINCESS WHITELAW" FTW. Yes.

(Wait - if you're able to lick Pinto, can you share? NO FUCKING FAIR, MAN. NO. FUCKING. FAIR.)

*puppy dog eyes combined with hopeful face equals winning combo of getting what you want*

Oh god, you're so twisting my arm here, I don't think - OKAY SURE. ;) I've never beta'd before, but Pinto is ~DELICIOUS~.

... Damn, I love those boys. They are seriously entertaining, confusing, and sexy all at the same time. Their body language is so fucking weird if they're not fucking, I don't know. I JUST DON'T GET THEM, but at least they make the RPS a lot of fun. ♥


kowaiyoukai July 31 2009, 04:17:57 UTC
I know, IE sucked so you go to firefox, but when firefox sucks, where do you go? *headdesk*

LMFAO!! OMG Karl. Oh Karl. <3


Um, why would I SHARE?!?! Well, fine, but only b/c you're cool. *gives Pinto to lick*

No, I take it back, they're all mine! MINE!!!!

Well, since you're so into Pinto and all and you seem to like my writing well enough, it makes for a good match for a beta. \o/

If Chris and Zach aren't fucking, the world is a cold, cruel, and unfeeling place. B/c two people with THAT much chemistry should be fucking. If fairness exists AT ALL. ♥


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