untitled drabbles

Jun 20, 2015 22:40

untitled drabbles (hani/xiumin, krystal/top, somi/vernon, taemin/kai)
A/N: this is all so shitty, but I'm trying to ease back into writing so bear with all of this bs for a bit until I can produce something worthy of your time /smacks self in the face/


Minseok tip toed around her like she was bad news. Well, good, really - because he was most definitely to be avoided if she wanted to stay on the show until filming finishes. She’s heard whispers of how his fans could terrorise and vandalise your name for the end of eternity. So he walks the other way when he sees her in the studio and she does too - until they don’t anymore.

The backstory goes something like this;

She was hiding in the broom closet; shoulders pulled up to her chest and back against the door. Her phone was in hand as the source of light so she could see exactly how many Chocopies have she consumed over the diet restriction - which was supposed to be none. It wasn’t like anyone would think to find her here, those very words of comfort that left her mouth before she tumbled out of the enclosed space and onto her back. A bit of biscuit crumbs landed between her lashes and by the time she managed to blink it out of her eyes, he was hovering over her with one bended knee.

“H - Hani-shii?” The way he was looking at her was a mixture of horrified and shy, so was the way he spoke her name, “Wha - what are you doing? Oh shit - I mean, I’m sorry.”

He pulled her back up on her feet in one swoop but that didn’t mean she didn’t almost fall back on the ground almost immediately. The humiliation was too much; they haven’t even spoken one word to each other off set and this was going to be it.

“It’s okay!” She squeaks, “You couldn’t have known that there’d be some freak hiding in a closet.”

That was supposed to be a joke, Hani wanted to scream at him when he didn’t laugh and only stares at her awkwardly.

“Well - uh - yeah, I really wasn’t expecting that,” he says sheepishly.

“Did I scare you?”

“Huh?” Minseok blinks, then, “Oh no! No! You couldn’t scare me if you wanted to, Hani-shii.”

“You seemed pretty scared to me,” she murmured under her breath, recalling the squeamish look that passed over his face when he took hold of her hand. Then it occurred to her -


Hani shakes her head, quickly dismissing her rash comment, “Nothing, nothing. I was just…”

He was still holding her hand. EXO’s Xiumin is holding her hand and it feels nice. She couldn’t remember the last time someone held her hand this way; palm cradling the back of her hand with warm fingers pressing softly into her own.

Minseok’s dusting bits of chocolates off her shoulder and with a chuckle; he dares to say, “Now you’re the one who looks scared.”


Seunghyun came to see art but she got in the way.

He’s met Jung Soojung once before backstage but it was never quite like this. She’s standing in front of a painting, looking much like one herself. Her arms are crossed on her chest, her denim cladded leg crossed over the other where the pointed end of her blank patent shoes meet.

She appears to be less of a girl to him than she does on television.

He can’t justify the time he spent sitting here, watching Soojung watching a piece of art when he probably should be looking at the same direction as her. To say he’s ashamed would have been a lie because it takes two to tango; the way she smiles at him from across the room when she caught him in the act was too natural to not mean something.

And so the game of cat and mouse begins.

Soojung saunters around the gallery with her hands folded behind her back. Room to room, she hides behind a sculpture and he pretends to miss her. When he arrived in the neighbouring room, Seunghyun can feel her eyes trained upon him as she follows with oil canvases separating them. Briefly, he wondered if she found this just as amusing yet agitating as he does. Three doorways later and they’re enveloped in complete darkness, neon lights blink in tune with her footsteps trailing behind him.

Seunghyun has patience but not quite enough;

Grinning, he makes a turn in the next corner and wounds up right where he wanted - right beside her in an empty corridor.

He taps her over the shoulder, then whispers, “Found you”

Seunghyun expects her to start hiding against when the lights come on but instead, all he saw was a look of relief. “I was hoping you would.”


It’s become a habit of theirs to speak to one another in English.

It started off as a practical joke; to confuse their members and drive them to irritation. Most times, it worked but that also meant, they’d walk away and left the two of them to each other company.

Somi never minded being around him. Hansol, to her, is the pinnacle of familiarity. He is the first thing she sees when she envisions what home is like because if it’s not him then it surely could not be anyone else. He was the reminder that she is not the first and the only odd one out. Actually, if it was him then it couldn’t be odd - not in a bad way anyway.

It was a practical joke, she swears. It’s not like communicating in a way that only they could understand was a shared dirty secret - at least, it didn’t used to be.

Maybe it’s a good thing those three words can be recognized in any given language, because lately Somi’s been meaning to say it to him.


“Okay dude I admire your determination but if I practice one minute more, I’m going to drop dead.”

And Jongin thinks Taemin must mean it because instead of reaching over to turn off the CD player like the well-mannered boy that he usually, he’s resolved to kicking the thing to shut it up.

Rolling his eyes, Jongin mumbles loud enough for his friend to hear, “What’s got your panties in a twist?”

“Nothing,” he says defensively, drinking down his water then, “Don’t I have the right to be exhausted after 3 straight hours of rehearsal?”

“Sure, I guess,” Jongin shrugs, settling down besides Taemin’s slumped form on the polished floor, “But you seem occupied today. No offense but you keep slipping up every half a step. I don’t even think we’ve finished one song without you -“

“Okay, I get it,” Taemin throws his hand up with a loud groan, “I suck today, point made.”

With an arched brow, Jongin utters the name that’s been infesting Taemin’s mind. “Jinri?”

“Soojung?” Taemin swiftly returns.

It’s enough to remind both of them how they ended up here at four in the morning. Neither of them want to be here; they’d prefer to be with somewhere else with someone else but it’s just so that this is all they’ve got now - each other, like how it used to be before girls and fame.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about,” Taemin goes ahead and breaks the ice, “You guys will get back together by the end of this week.”

Jongin snorts. “Doubt it. She seems like she’s got her mind made up this time.”


“Yeah,” Jongin confirms solemnly, “I’ll give you the same advice about Jinri that I give to myself about Soojung - get over it.”

Exchanging a long look, they broke into a chorus of bitter laughter because saying it’s the end doesn’t make it feel any less surreal or painful.

“Guess it’s back to just being you and me again,” Taemin sighs, wiping the sweat off his face with a towel then throwing it to the boy next to him.

“Thanks for making our bro life together sound shitty.”

Taemin winces at Jongin’s elbow jabbing him right in the ribs but still, he chokes out, “That’s because it is.”

“Well, too bad,” Jongin says, turning to him with a silver of a smile for the first time of the night and promises, “’Cause you’re stuck with me.”

♥ : hani/xiumin, fandom: exo-m, fandom: big bang, fandom: seventeen, fandom: f(x), fandom: shinee, Ξ : douc, ♥ : kai/taemin, fandom: sixteen, ♥ : krystal/top, !drabbles, fandom: exo-k, ♥ : somi/vernon

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