Jan 04, 2015 23:01


if you like: realistic idol life, three dimensional characters, angst

I don't think I ever left a comment which makes a dbag, really but I genuinely enjoyed all 3 parts. I don't ahip this and can't remember exactly why I clicked on the link but I can say that this fic has really stuck with me. It's lenghty, it's angsty, it's realistic and it is worth every bit of your time. there are times when I felt like the fic was slow paced but the writing is beautiful and the characters are relatable in their own way even if you might not find them likable. I'm even go as far as saying that this is the best idol verse fic I've ever discovered.

THE ART OF FEMININITY (krystal, sulli); harues
if you like: bad ass girls (fking shit up), sofia coppola, nabokov, riot grlll

If you know me then you know that I'm a junky for some good ol' jungli and this just really hit the spot. It reads like modern lolita/girl gang; definitely do not judge a book by its cover because these girls might be cute as hell but they will rip your face of. And not gonna lie to you, the fashion the lipsticks, the cat eyes - they're all my aesthetics.

CLICK (seohyun, jonghyun); mekimigure
if you like: short & sweet, light hearted, simplicity

I used to ship yongseo (thanks wgm) but then I disocvered something better, seohyun/jonghyun. Now I love myself some angst but sometimes I need something like thi: simple, short and sweet. The relationship between these two in this fic is not 'epic' in any way but it's what you'd expect from ordinary folks and that's what I love about this so much.

NO OTHER WAY (woobin, krystal, jongsuk); bollywoodrecord
if you like: crack(fics), laughing 'til you piss yourself, wtf-female kindof herione

This is everything I ever wanted that I didn't know I even wanted. if I did this list a week earlier, I wouldn't even get to include this which I would have been sad about that since THIS IS SO FUNNY but SO, SO SAD. Krystal's character here reminds me of a typical, kdrama heroin except she's really not as clueless as she appears and she is way more ridiculous. This is quite a long read but since it gave me a good laugh, it felt a little too short.

GOT YOUR BIBLE, GOT YOUR GUN (jaejoong, nana); uljima
if you like: true detective, a plot you've never thought of in your life, gore/blood, lana del rey

So this is weird, and highly creepy. I like it, a lot. This starts off right away with the tone that fits where the plot is going - it's dark, it's a bit off, it's this universe that you probably don't want to pay a visit to. The descriptions is done so well that you can envision every single little place the characters end up in; that's what makes this so David Lynch-esque. Essentially, you are drifting through these weird situations that you don't know where it's taking you. This got me on the edge of my seat, wanting to find out what in the world is happening with these two. AND apparently there's going to be more chapters to come; I sure hope it comes soon.

SHE'S MORPHINE, QUEEN OF MY VACCINE (krystal, chen, kai); kisoap
if you like: dark fics, quotable lines, dystopian, a love triangle that won't annoy you

Admittedly, I found this hard to read at first. Not because it is bad but because it's very complex. The prose is beautiful, the description is blurry and eerie like the tone of this fic but once you reach a certain point of the fic where things tie together - it is phenomenal. This is a dystopian fic done right: it is not vulgar with violence but at times raw, the layout makes it perfect for the delivery of those killer lines that gets you every time. The plot is so interesting that I honestly think it carries this story and not the ship(s).

IF MY HEART WAS A HOUSE, YOU'D BE HOME (chen,liyin); hypothermal
if you like: dry humor, lovable characters, cuteness overload

There's a lot of things I enjoyed about this but the characterizations really did it for me. Liyin here (and irl too) is highly likable, someone I could picture being my own girlfriend and that generally sums up this fic for me. All these characters, the plot - it's something that you can imagine happening within your groups of friends. It's something borderlining typical even; that's exactly what makes this so heartwarming and like the title; this feels kinda like home really.

IMAGINARY & DELUSIONAL (onew, sunny); skullchi
if you like: dark comedy, getting so shocked that it cause you pain, onew and chicken

This is not something I'd usually read. It's so random that from the very first sentence, it just jumps out at you. I don't know much to say about this fic without spoiling it for you 'cause the ending? It is AWESOME. Just keep in mind that you're basically getting a rug pulled from under your feet.

* ( #other notable mentions that I won't write a review for cuz I'm lazy:
player one (jaejoong, boa, yunho and everyonexboa basically); bollywoodrecord
give us a little love (taemin/sulli); onceuponataem
and I loved (like) a capulet (hyemi, b-bomb); kisoap
firefly (sehun, krystal); valerietastic
pavane for a dead princess (kai, krystal); kirakirashahida )

NOT SOLD SEPARATELY (sulli, sehun, krystal, taemin, kai); onceuponataem
if you like: dumb but cute people, laughing at weirdness, wtf-friendship

If you're looking for something intense and dramatic then this isn't for you. This fic is essentially a very simple plot that sucks you in with adorable, lovable and weird ass characters. What I enjoyed most about this is that the chapters are the perfect lenght; the relationships are being told through really humorous and random scenarios that, mostly, seems like it could probably happen you too if your  friends are as stupidly cute as these characters are.

SAY I LOVE YOU (changmin, yoona); aoza
if you like: swooning, squealing, screaming, crying, hearts in eyes (cause it's so romantic ugh the feels)

If you know this author then you know there's a lot of chaptered fics to pick from (and I love all of them, sfm) but I have to say that in the year of 2014, the fic I've enjoyed most from her is this one. This was only updated twice (I think) last year but I actually missed it so much that I went and re-read everything. It is SO romantic, the epic sort where you read and pause to swoon. There are many heartfelt and memorable scenes, the quality of the fic has stayed consistent from start to now (and as a fic writer, I'll tell you now - that's hard) and there's literally nothing that you can't love in this story. Also, Changmin is such a cutie - I can't.

LONELY HEARTS CLUB (kai, krystal, myungsoo); kirakirashahida
if you like: you've got mail, broody boys, mysterious boys, wanting to find out what's going to happen sfm that you are raging

The plot is glorious - at first it might seem kind of like it's all not that complicated BUT then you realize that there's a possibly that two of the boys introduced to us can actually hold the same identity (I won't tell you anything more cause I will spoil it and it would be waste). After finishing each chapter, I still sit down for a bit and try to figure out who the online boy is. And if you're a Kai fan then you'll definitely want to read this because he is everything in this fic.

Ξ : douc, !recs, *, !special

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