Would You Like A Cup Of Coffee? / Chapter 1

Jan 05, 2011 16:38

Would You Like A Cup Of Coffee; Chapter 1
Im Yoona/Shim Changmin
Rating: pg - Genre: drama. romance

Would You Like A Cup Of Coffee - Chapter 1

Wednesday, February 12nd, 2010

Did you hear what happened last night?

No, what happened?

Do you remember the Im’s youngest daughter, the one who disappeared on the night of her graduation day?

Of course I do. How many years has it been? Sweet little thing used to visit that coffee shop, right there with that tall, lanky boy every day after school.

Such a lovely girl, she really is……That’s what makes this all so hard to fathom.

Why? My goodness, did they finally discover her body?

Oh gosh, just thinking about it brings a tear to my eye. She was walking home from some place, and a drunk driver hit her when she was literally minutes away from her house. The polices had gave up looking for her years ago, everybody thought she was gone, dead. Can you imagine what her families must be going through? Poor thing……

Wednesday, February 12nd, 2010

Did you hear what happened this morning?

No, you said it like I actually watch the news.

You know that conceited girl who moved in next to us last month?

Totally, the one who think she’s so much better than all of us, right? Also is she the one that came in with her boyfriend? He’s pretty cute actually but can’t speak Korean to save his life.

Guess what? We might not have to bear with her anymore?

Did she die or something?

She gone all ‘cookoo’ in there and decided to jump in front of a truck, heard a guy carried her to the hospital but some random guy said she didn’t even make it there. This twisted world is seriously a cruel place, horrible right?

I don’t know how I feel actually but I guess we have seen the last of her majesty then.

Friday, February 14th, 2010
11:00 am

“Miss Im, can you tell me the date, the month and the ye-“

“14th of February, 2005”

“Can you tell me your age please, Ms. Im?”
“17 years old, I recently started the second last year of high school”

“You’ll be able to leave soon Ms. Im, we’ll just need to do a bit of x-ray and you can go then”

“Doctor? I would like it if you could inform me of my injury right at the moment”

“Yoona, you shouldn’t push yoursel-“

“Just tell me, please” “It seemed like there has been some damage done to your brain, you’ve got a case of amnesia. This is all we know for now but like in the majority of memory loss cases, it will most likely be temporary. How long it lasts usually depends on how the sever the injury are, after we get the result of your x-ray scans tomorrow afternoon then we’ll be able to determined how long your amnesia might possibly last”

Friday, February 15th, 2010
1:30 pm

“Hey, how are you feeling?” the cheerful voice of Hwang Tiffany echoed throughout the silent apartment, wrecking Im Yoona’s train of thought as the door slammed shut.

She watched as Tiffany placed her humungous shopping bag on the table nearby, seating herself on the chair next to her bed. “Better than yesterday, did Donghae asked you to come?” she gave her best friend a tired smile, accepting the cup of warm coffee she brought along with her.

Having a sip of her own, Tiffany looked around the room curiously. “Don’t tell him, I brought you coffee by the way. I know you’re going to be craving for it later on when he will be giving me all the ‘she needs her rest’ craps. If he had a choice, he wouldn’t even let me in but then he wants you to rest while he go sees the doctor” she laughed softly as the girl beside her rolled her eyes annoyingly.

“I want you here though, it helped lessened the awkwardness since you talk so much” it has been the first time that she let out a laugh since she was discharged from the hospital. Lee Donghae tried making some conversation with her but less than a minute, the conversation would come to an end and they would fell silent once again.

“I would hit you but then you’re still healing or whatever the technical term for it is. Who cares about all those gibberish language the doctors use amongst themselves anyway. Oh and I brought soup as you know, I am forbid to touch anything in the kitchen, I have no idea what this is but it looks edible” Yoona glanced at the container filled with soup that Tiffany pulled out of the bag from minutes ago. She doesn’t know what it was but she was more than sure whatever this was, it wasn’t tomatoes soup.

The other girl seemed to catch her disgusted glance at the bloody red liquid, letting out a loud chuckle, she placed the container back in the bag. “It’s not my fault, ‘kay? I have never eaten any of your food in my life time; I’m trying my best here.” Yoona shook her head lightly in reply. “I don’t blame you; I’m not even sure what that thing is myself”

“Do you want me to go out and buy something else for you then?” she asked concern evidential in her voice. “No, no, it’s fine. Hot mocha is just fine as lunch for me” the girl’s face relaxed as she sat back and took another sip of her coffee. Yoona knew that none of them were ready to talk about the amnesia or the fact that she thinks she’s still a sixteen years old turning seventeen in couple of months, still in year eleven in high school, still struggling with physics, still young and free.

Knock Knock Knock.

Tiffany gave her a cheerful smile, placing her cup of coffee down on the wood floor as she lazily got out of her seat and took a peak through the peep hole. “It’s not Donghae, now isn’t that just odd?” she whispered to herself, opening the door slightly. “Hello?” maybe she should help Tiffany , not many Koreans are able to understand English. Well, at least when she was sixteen, not many people did.

“Oh….hi, are you Lee Donghae’s girlfriend?” the stranger spoke in perfect English, her voice sounds oddly familiar to Yoona though. “Oh no, no. His girlfriend is inside the apartment resting. Are you looking for Lee Donghae?” Tiffany asked uncomfortably, tugging a strand of her hand behind her ear.

“Yes, we’re supposed to meet him at his apartment today and….so yeah as you can see here we are” awkward silence took over and tension started building between the two girls. Yoona bit her lips nervously as she slowly climbed out of the bed. The curiosity got the best of Yoona as she poked her head through the door, her eyes widened in shock as the two familiar figures stared back at her with their mouth gaped open in awe.

“I-Im Yoo-Yoona?”

“Jes-Jessica?, Cha-Changmin sunbaenim?”

Ξ : douc, ♥ : yoona/changmin, fandom: snsd, fandom: dbsk

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