
Jan 01, 2011 15:27

i hope everyone had a great and happy new year celebration <3
a drabble dump;

seohyun/yonghwa, seohyun/jonghyun, jessica/jonghyun, sunny/sungmin, nicole/key, taeyeon/junsu, and boa/yunho.

she doesn't need presents / pg
seohyun/yonghwa, seohyun/jonghyun

he watches quietly as seohyun sits in their living room, unwrapping yonghwa's present.

he knows she'll be surprised - and shocker! she is. she whispers a small, 'yonghwa, you shouldn't have.' and jonghyun sighs to himself because he knows it's true. yonghwa didn't need to buy seohyun those expensive earrings that he helped picked out - because he already has her heart.

(and it hurts him, it cuts deep - because once again, yonghwa has won something that he has always wanted.)

jonghyun watches as she hugs him, a meaningful hug. he watches as yonghwa's fingers linger on the small of her back - and how she doesn't mind.

yonghwa laughs, brushing hair out of her face, 'it's okay, you're worth it. but the other members bought you presents too - you can start with jonghyun's.' 'really? they shouldn't have!' seohyun says with this small smile towards jonghyun and he shyly returns it with his own.

seohyun unwraps his gift tentatively, revealing a book she had mentioned months before that she hadn't had time to buy.

'oh .. wow, jonghyun-oppa, thank you,' seohyun quickly scrambles to her feet and gives an appreciative bow. he simply nods with a curt laugh, 'it's no big deal.' but it really is, because he could have bought her the world - and she would still only love yonghwa.


ribbons, bows, and kisses / pg

he lets out this low growl as his fingers fumble over the red tie. he tries again and knots it perfectly before receiving a cold hearted slap right across the back of his head. 'ow - what the .. jessica, what!?' jonghyun complains as he watches his master piece ribbon fall apart before his eyes. 'how am i ever going to help you wrap all these presents for all your members if you keep hitting me?' he grumbles in aggravation.

jessica rolls her eyes, 'that is a ribbon, not a bow!' she yells and hits him again as he throws his arm out defensively. 'what? ... what!? a ribbon, jessica, they're the same thing! they're completely and utterly the same, you're insane -' 'they're not the same. they're completely different, and you have to wrap seven more.'

'why the hell do you have nine members in your group?' he mumbles before picking up the red tie again in efforts to redeem himself. 'because we just do, and you basically have the same amount since key counts for like four members in one with his attitude,' she retorts before going back to tying the presents. after two minutes jonghyun frowns, 'seriously jessica, what is the damn difference between ribbons and bows?'

jessica heaves a sigh as she leans forward, catching his lips with hers because they just fit so perfectly together. jonghyun can't help but smile as she pulls away, 'that is a kiss.' she states the obvious and before he can reply she simply goes in again, her lips brushing against his before she slides her tongue into his mouth with a smirk of content. it isn't long before she pulls away,

'that is a french kiss. they're both kisses, but there's a difference. so just shut up and tie.'


you should give presents more often / pg

'no way, you got me a gift!'

'well, if you act like that, you make me not want to give it to you!' his palm is pressed against her forehead, his other arm lifted up in the air into heights she couldn't reach. sunny just complains and doesn't even bother making a puppy face, knowing her aegyo has no effect on him.

'come on! you might as well show it to me, i mean .. i have one for you too!'

sungmin arches a brow, seeing her with no wrapped presents what so ever. 'liar.'

she scoffs, 'no, really, i do! but i'm hiding it. first, i want to see your present.'

he frowns and simply lowers his arm, tossing her the carefully pink wrapped box - which she rips apart within seconds. sunny opens the thing, finding a polaroid of the two of them together and a small ring with a sunflower on it. she remains silent for a minute, looking at both of the items with a secret smile.

'do you like it?' he asks shyly, his eyes unable to meet hers. she laughs and slides the ring on, 'of course! even if it super cheesy!'

he mumbles something before she cuts him off, 'all right, so, this is my christmas present.'

she goes on her tip toes and closes the distance in between them, planting a kiss against his lips. 'merry christmas!' she says with this bright smile, running away before he can give any reaction.

(but he catches her later anyways, telling her that she should continue giving presents like that more often. she tells him she'll work on it.)


you need me / pg

'i'd like to think of myself as an independent man who needs no one,' kibum states with a confident nod and charismatic glance over at nicole, who is obviously too busy trying to stifle her laughter.

'yeah, i'm sure you do,' she says with a smirk before pinching his cheek. she doesn't say it, but instead offers a smile.

(he'll never be able to get used to it - the dazzling brightness of it all. of her. crescent moon eyes laced with something that he can't stop staring at, and he thinks she's this different kind of pretty. a different kind of beautiful. stubborn, intelligent, witty, and all at the same time irritating. but he likes it.)

'i sure do,' he lightly slaps her hand away and she rolls her eyes, giving him a pout and roll of her eyes. 'you know, some people can't tolerate you, sometimes, i wonder how i can!' she complains like a child, but unknowingly to her he takes it to heart. he takes everything she says to heart.

'i know,' key says, his knuckles grazing over her cheek in some joking punch. 'but that's why i like you,' and she finally grins and leans in, their lips touching and saying what he can't.

hot times, when i kiss your lips, my heart all turns into ash.
all my life time having only you is enough

smile because i miss you / pg

she wonders if she should call.

'i just wanted to congratulate you on your success in america! i'm happy you made it back to korea safely. jyj, fighting!'

but ultimately, the text only gets saved in her drafts. yoona lingers by her doorway, arching her eyebrows, her expression smeared with curiosity. taeyeon simply lets out a sigh of disdain.

'don't ask.'

she sees him backstage at one of the gayos and they exchange bows, but nothing more. (she takes the short moment of eye contact as simply nothing, suppressing the fluttering in her stomach.)

'unnie, you have a present!' sooyoung throws her a small, red box - lamely tied, but nevertheless, it has a pretty golden bow. 'oh, this came with it!' she throws her an envelope too, literally almost stabbing taeyeon in the eye. she flinches and mumbles a thank you before opening the letter.

congratulations on your success in japan. i watched every performance. it was nice seeing you yesterday taeyeon-sshi. hopefully i can see more of you, like old times. - junsu

taeyeon unwraps the little box and opens it, finding a small snowflake pendant. she still tries to ignore the butterflies.


to taking risks / pg

'i can't believe you were this close to spending new years alone,' yunho says in disbelief with a centimeter in between his fingers as he takes a seat next to her on the couch, putting a bottle of champagne on the table.

boa simply snorts, 'i really didn't have time to go back home, and you just kind of invited yourself over. is changmin okay with you leaving him high and dry?'

he simply shrugs, 'who cares? i surely don't. besides, i think he's spending it with family anyways.' yunho says with a nod of his head and a small smile, 'maybe with yoona, but it's none of my business.'

she lets out a laugh, light and cheery - but tired, and he figures that she's going to be okay.

'so, any new years resolutions?' he asks, letting his hand wander and tuck some strands of hair behind her ear. boa flinches and looks away, 'yunho .. don't.'

he immediately nods and drops his hand, swallowing his pride, swallowing down his love.

(it's been there, it has always been there - and it burns the back of her throat knowing that she's like ice. frozen and chilled, but all at the same time scared - and so is he. he wonders how long they could possibly put their feelings off, because he knows he's drawing to an end.)

'anyways, yeah, do well,' she answers, quietly flustered. yunho lets out this half hearted chuckle at her response, 'but you always do.'

she simply rolls her eyes and shifts on the couch. 'how about yourself?'

'take more risks.'

boa blinks and nods her head, thinking that it's toast worthy. after filling their glasses they lift them up with a smile. 'to taking risks.'

(two glasses later and letting their fingers accidentally linger a little too long, their bodies are pressed together, lost in it all. butterfly kisses on her collar bone and her fingers running through his hair - they take the first risk of the year.)

fandom: c.n. blue, fandom: kara, ♥ : sunny/sungmin, ♥ : taeyeon/junsu, fandom: dbsk, ♥ : nicole/key, ♥ : seohyun/jonghyun, fandom: shinee, ♥ : jessica/jonghyun, ♥ : boa/yunho, fandom: super junior, fandom: boa, ♥ : seohyun/yonghwa, fandom: snsd

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