(no subject)

Sep 09, 2009 13:33

Man, my doctor's office cracks me up.

So, a few weeks ago I was having some pretty severe back pain. Worse the longer I had been sitting, often branching down into my hips. I put up with it for two weeks and then went to see my doctor. My doctor prescribed a muscle relaxant and some back exercises. Because my mother has bad osteoarthritis (she's had both hips replaced by this point), my doctor also said that if I was still having pain in a week, to go get a back x-ray done to check for arthritis.

Well, I took the muscle relaxants and did my exercises and a week went by, and I was still having pain, though nowhere near as severe. So I went and did my x-ray.

My doctor's office just left me this message: "Your x-ray came back normal so you don't need any follow-up here. Have a great day!"

.....so, I'm just supposed to put up with the back pain because we now know it's not arthritis? Greeeeeaaaaaaat.

Normally I would be miffed about this but in the intervening week that it took them to call me with the x-ray results the pain has mostly vanished, so I'm going to chalk it up to a crappy desk chair (I changed a couple weeks ago) and let it go. But it is still pretty funny. You know, in a pathetic, didn't-review-my-chart-before-calling-me sort of way.

PS: OUR HOUSE HAS FUCKING SCORPIONS. Remember all those times I complained about ants and crickets? THAT, TIMES A BILLION. That is all.

why do i live in the desert, healthcare doesn't, sigh, wah wah wah

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