(no subject)

Sep 05, 2009 09:58

I need practical Facebook advice.

So, I'm on Facebook. I actually rather like Facebook (*is ashamed*) and it may account for how much less I've been posting on LJ (but probably not), but every once in a while you get an awkward situation like this one.

A girl who I was moderately good friends with in high school found me on Facebook and friended me. I friended her back, but we didn't really talk, it was just like "oooh, someone I used to know! OH HAI!" like Facebook usually is. The thing is, she is *constantly* putting up stuff on her status about how much she hates Obama and how the country is going to hell and basically posting a lot of conservative crap that I don't agree with.

Now, I am one hundred percent okay with her posting this. It's a free country and she can use FB to say whatever she wants. The problem is that it's a free country and I don't want to read it. (Also, "Nobama" drives me nuts. People who use that seriously do not realize how uneducated they look. It was an election-campaign slogan. He won. It's obsolete. Get over it.) I don't want to reply to her posts with my own views because a) I don't really know her that well, b) I don't want to get in huge arguments on Facebook, and c) she probably doesn't care about what I have to say anyway. I've tried to just ignore it, but it's seriously very frequent, and it also makes me nuts trying to figure out how the goth chick I went to high school with has turned into a venom-spewing conservative.

So the question, basically, is this: Should I defriend her? And perhaps more importantly: when you defriend someone on FB, are they sent a little notice? "Hi! This person has booted you off their friends list, you jerk." Or do they just eventually notice or not notice on their own time? Is there defriending etiquette? Any advice about this would be appreciated.

ETA: A hide button! Genius! Thanks, guys! =D

big bad world, wah wah wah

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