(no subject)

Mar 07, 2009 14:39

Here's why I never post on LJ anymore: when my life isn't boring, it's aggravating. I don't have anything interesting to post, and I hate to post the aggravating stuff because I always feel like a whiner. Today, though, I think is worth a little aggravation...

I worked Saturday clinic today. Here's what we had, in order.

Our first patient was a 9 year old girl with Down's who injured me while I was trying to get her blood pressure.

Our second patient was a 14 year old girl who is 5'5" and weighs 114 lbs. Her parents inquired of Dr. Holland abut her "weight gain" because they're very concerned about it. She weighs 50 pounds less than me and is three inches taller.

Our third patient was a diabetic who could afford either their balance or their lab tests. I don't hold that against them - times are rough for everyone - but do you really have to be a dickhead about it? Secondly, this girl was 5'2" and 118 pounds and said "that makes me fat". I asked her if I looked fat, and amazingly, she said no. So I told her what I weighed and said that there was no way she was fat. I think she was considering revising her opinion about my whalitude.

Our fourth patient was a 15 year old boy. His blood pressure came back at 140/70 and his pulse was 130. Not healthy. His mom, however, was too busy using our scale to weigh and measure her other child to actually notice this.

Our fifth patient was a 5 year old diabetic accompanied by her father. He readily admitted to me that he knew absolutely nothing about her diabetes and her mother "stuck him with this appointment" because she needed to go to the dentist. I'll give him points for honesty, but how can you really know absolutely nothing about your child's health condition?

We've got eight patients left.

I really want to go home.

healthcare doesn't, wah wah wah

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