
Jan 21, 2009 15:20

'Cause everyone is doing it!

Pick up to 15 OTPs.
Describe them in less than (or equal to) 15 words.
Have your flist guess the OTP.

Though I'm not sure of where the profit comes in. Some of these took *work*. I wasn't sure I even had 15 OTPs. Heh. Good luck!

1) Introduced me to wank. I happen to like writing him as a human being, okay?

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meme, two-dimensional men are hotter, anime is my anti-drug

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kouriarashi January 23 2009, 05:12:57 UTC
Ha ha, very good! You know more than people I actually know in real life. XD

6) Uh. Brad/Schu? (WK anime certainly was baaad but then there's fanfiction)

v. good! I love that pairing hardcore, even if it's based mostly on my feverish imagination rather than canon.

7) Killua and Gon?

Yes! I heart them so, so much.

9) ...Sakura/Syaoran?

I actually do like that pairing very much, so it totally could be that, but it isn't. ^^;;

10) Gojyo and Hakkai?

Yes! (I thought this one was obvious, but then the first few people didn't get it....)

11) Hmm...CLAMP and practically canon (lol that helps a looot) but if Seishirou and Subaru are already taken...Touya/Yuki? preeetty canon, and early.

LOL, most pairings in CLAMP are practically canon. But yes again! One of my very first OTPs.

13) If it's Naruto and no Sasuke involved...Gaara and Rock Lee Naruto?

......were there supposed to be three people in there? Because Gaara/Rock Lee/Naruto would be an *interesting* OTP to say the least, but.... I'll presume you meant Gaara/Rock Lee, which I would actually like if Rock Lee weren't so.... Rock Lee-ish.

15) I'm trying to think of fandoms that have pretty different anime and manga, and all I can think of right now is Furuba. Something with Shigure? Shigure and Ayame maybe? Shigure is so different in the manga.

Right manga, and half of the right pairing. ^_^ But not quite.

Good job! *gives you e-cookie*


dyxlisa January 23 2009, 05:36:15 UTC
I think I just watch too much anime. D: Or it could be that I'm psychic.

6) Fanon is what makes Weiss Kreuz worth it. XD Anyway, Brad/Schu is pretty consistently my favorite WK couple, so I thought it was worth a guess!

7) haha, I'm so guilty of wanting to pair them too. And for some reason I remembered you having watched HxH (maybe I'm just making this up...wait wait, did Sheila and Jesse discuss it?)

9) doh!! I seriously can't think of any more anime het pairings right now. Do you like Temari and Shikamaru maybe? Or maybe not anime... Wash and Zoe are gone, but Kaylee and Simon? (SIMON ♥) (sorry, cheating all over the place!)

10) Haha I was sort of surpised too.

11) *high five* I think people forget about them since they're TOO perfect for each other, there's so much less drama than S/S.

13) ...html fail! I meant to strike out Rock Lee for laughs (I love him but...yeah, him in a romantic situation would make my brain bleed) and meant Gaara/Naruto. Though now that I think about it, I like Kakashi/Iruka too. But Gaara/Naruto has more delicious angst.

15) well, at least I got the series right! I can't get away from Shigure since he's the main one I feel is different...Shigure/Hatori then?? I don't know orz Whatever, Mabudachi Trio forever!

woohoo!! \o/ I always find these fandom guessing games fun.


kouriarashi January 23 2009, 14:59:35 UTC
6) Fanon is what makes Weiss Kreuz worth it. XD Anyway, Brad/Schu is pretty consistently my favorite WK couple, so I thought it was worth a guess!

Ha ha, yeah, I love Weiss Kreuz fanon. I read boatloads of it. The anime.... nah. But I totally love Brad and Schu's relationship. It's so.... annoying for Brad, yet he can't help it. XD

7) haha, I'm so guilty of wanting to pair them too. And for some reason I remembered you having watched HxH (maybe I'm just making this up...wait wait, did Sheila and Jesse discuss it?)

They're so freaking *perfect* for each other! I content myself with thinking that Killua will probably be okay with waiting for a few years, so as nto to destroy Gon's innocence. =D And I have mentioned HxH on my personal LJ a couple times, and yes, Sheila and Jesse discuss it in Separate Selves (Jesse uses the inspiration of Gon catching that fish way back at the beginning when he's stealing the artifacts in the Samough arc). ^_^

9) doh!! I seriously can't think of any more anime het pairings right now. Do you like Temari and Shikamaru maybe? Or maybe not anime... Wash and Zoe are gone, but Kaylee and Simon? (SIMON ♥) (sorry, cheating all over the place!)

Ha ha, I do totally heart Kaylee and Simon, but it's only one pairing per series. This isn't a totally canon pairing, though it's very close. But it's also a series I don't write and don't really talk about that much since way back when the anime was airing (like four-five years ago), soooooo it's not really a surprise that people aren't getting it.

11) *high five* I think people forget about them since they're TOO perfect for each other, there's so much less drama than S/S.

They totally are! I heart them for their lack of drama.

13) ...html fail! I meant to strike out Rock Lee for laughs (I love him but...yeah, him in a romantic situation would make my brain bleed) and meant Gaara/Naruto. Though now that I think about it, I like Kakashi/Iruka too. But Gaara/Naruto has more delicious angst.

Ha ha, fail! Now you are correct. ^^ I don't even like Naruto that much as a character, but I think Gaara totally needs somebody and Naruto would keep him from indulging in said delicious angst.

15) well, at least I got the series right! I can't get away from Shigure since he's the main one I feel is different...Shigure/Hatori then?? I don't know orz Whatever, Mabudachi Trio forever!

And now you are right again. ^_^ Shigure is *so* different in the manga, it's why I can't stand reading it, because I loved him in the anime so much. Particularly with Hatori. I also like Hatori/Shigure/Ayame as an threesome, but Ayame annoys me too much on a day-to-day basis for that to really be an OT3.

Ha ha, now you're *really* winning. XD


dyxlisa January 23 2009, 19:48:06 UTC
7) Yeah, a few years and it will be aaalll good!! And oh, now I remember! Of course, how could I have forgotten; I figured it had something to do with Separate Selves but I couldn't remember the specifics.

9) ...the only anime I can think of off the top of my head that aired then is princess tutu and gankutsuou, and I don't think you watched those. orz

13) lol, I definitely agree with you there too; Naruto is the type of shounen hero I don't like all that much, but he definitely is a good influence on some of the people he meets.

15) Yeah, that's one of the reasons I didn't like the manga that much either; I loved him in the anime way too much. I was always into the trio of friends thing but partly because it sort of reminds me of my 'trio of friends' in college. XD;

...LOL!! I'm really curious about the remaining ones too; I hope someone guesses them soon!


knkfics January 23 2009, 22:15:44 UTC
9) Ha ha, no, I didn't watch either of those. Sorry. ^_^ I probably could have been much more specific in my hint, but I figured since it was like the *only* het pairing I've ever truly worshipped, *somebody* I knew would get it... XD

13) I don't mind Naruto, but yeah, the "type" does nothing for me. I was very surprised by how much I liked Luffy in One Piece, because he's the same type, but somehow infinitely more awesome. XD

15) I read, like, two volumes of the manga and had to stop. Karasu's collected a whole bunch of it, and I won't touch the stuff, heh.

If no one guesses the last three, I'm going to put results up on Monday, so the guessing will not last forever. ^_^

<-- too lazy to log in as self


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