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Aug 31, 2008 10:48

The Babelfish lyrics meme!

1) Put your iPod/Winamp on shuffle and pick the first ten songs. Choose ten songs off your playlist that a) have lyrics and b) people might actually recognize.

2) Take the chorus and plug the lyrics into Babelfish.

3) Change them to Spanish.

4) Change those reults to French.

5) Then change the results back to English.

6) Post the results here and let people try to guess what the song is.

So, Babelfish ate the formatting of the lyrics, in case this isn't hard enough. And uh... I don't recognize the results well enough to actually put the line breaks back in where I feel they're supposed to go. I did my best!

1) Dígalo ain' ; T consequently
I n' will not go Éteignez the lights,
lléveme at house keep Encore its head,
I' ; the L is its emotion which  will be lit the night, my small mill of wind

2)' ; Cáusele can' ; jump of T the track,
we' ; Re has taste of the cars in a cable
and a life' ; S.A. taste d' a clock of sand, stuck to table
Nobody can find the button of rewinding, girl.
Strike so much its head in its hands AND breathe…
as of qu' they breathe, Oh breathes, as of qu' it breathes

3) Drive in my skin
These wounds will not treat
fear are how I fall  myself while Confusing which is true

4) Early the morning, risin' ; with the street
Enciéndame on this cigarette and j' with belt the shoes in my feet
I attach managed to find a reason,
the things d' a reason I left bad it
managed to find a reason why my money' ; S gone all

5) She wants to go to the house,
only nobody' ; house of S.
It' ; S where she lies, broken with l' interior.
Without the place to go, ninguÌ
 N place outward journey being dried eyes.
Broken with l' interior.

6) touched you known as that I am also
as well of the EC as, you said,  are i' ; truths;
the L never finds quelqu' absolutely like you another time

7) take my love
take my ground
tómeme where I cannot place
I don' ; care  of T I' ; m You still release
can' ; T takes the sky of ego

8) But the day will be able to come when you' ;
He SEES he managed something to lose,
and at the moment when you think you' ;
Re debts which pay made AND say it,
estimated god this qu' have I made?
AND await its ' ; not too last;
the cause can never come tomorrow

9) Don' ; T gives return far
(Don' ; T gives to l' interior with the pain)
Don' ; attempt at T to dissimulate
(However they' ; Re by shouting its name)
Don' ; closing of T its eyes (God knows what lies behind him)  Don' ; production of T the light (he never sleeps Jamais they die)

10) The cities grow the rivers run
Where you are, I' ; the L never knows  only I' ; still m here
If you m' had reason and j' stays evil
because you are the person that ' ; S gone
and I' ; still m here

.....wow. Good luck, everybody!

hilarity ensues, meme

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