(no subject)

Jul 30, 2008 18:20

Okay, so, major planning SNAFU of the year...

In September, Karasu and I are going back to New Hampshire (for kimuracarter's wedding). I had it all figured out. The train leaves here Saturday morning at 5 AM. It gets into Chicago 3 PM Sunday aftenroon. At that point, it has a 7 hour layover. It departs Chicago 10 PM Sunday night and gets into Boston 10 PM Monday night. So I (who am of course a genius) said to myself, "Let's rent a car in Chicago and drive the rest of the way." This is a great idea, because not only do we not have to sit around Chicago for 7 hours for no reason, but we'd get into Nashua directly (rather than Boston), several hours earlier than we would arrive on the train.



The only ones that *are* open are at the airport, which really is a problem because we'd have to take a taxi to the airport (with all our stuff), which is 20 minutes in *good* traffic. Then we'd have to pick up the car at the busy airport stations (instead of a quieter city location). So it would probably take us at least an hour after departing the train just to get the damned car.

Which doesn't seem like a big deal. Isn't, really. Except who the fuck figured that car rental places wouldn't be open Sundays? Not even the one in bloody Union Station!

I am very annoyed.


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