(no subject)

Jul 16, 2008 18:56

Damn, Dan Savage's column cracks me the hell up.

To quote the person writing in for advice:

I am a 23-year-old woman living with my 25-year-old boyfriend. We have been dating for a little over a year, and for the majority of that time we had a great sex life. Unfortunately, when we decided to move in together we also decided to stop having intercourse until we decide to get married.

..........WTF? Are you totally out of your gourd, woman? I can fully understand and support a) living together before marriage, or b) celibacy before marriage. But moving in with someone that you have already *been* having sex with, and then deciding to not have sex, is just asking for a disaster. I'd love to hear what that decision-making process must have sounded like.

PS: Confidential to our current bitchiest mom award recipient: This may shock and amaze you, but we cannot continue to prescribe insulin for a patient we are not technically seeing. Yes, I know his diabetes isn't going to go away. Yes, I know he will still need his insulin. Yes, I fully sympathize that your plight as a poor person is horrible. But you don't understand. Legally, medically, and in all other ways, this is not going to happen. If he isn't having appointments, he isn't getting prescriptions. Too bad, so sad.

hilarity ensues, healthcare doesn't, boredom makes me random

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