(no subject)

May 23, 2008 22:18

I went to go see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull tonight.

I really liked the parts that were Old-Style-Indy-esque.

That said:


....thanks. I feel better now that I've gotten that out of my system.

(Come on, the first three movies were religious! This could have so easily focused around an old Mayan god! .....wtf was with the aliens?? It was so f'ing distracting that I almost couldn't enjoy the movie!)

On the upside, Shia LaHoweverYouSpellHisName? HOT. I want to take him home and have my dirty way with him. .....or Harrison Ford, 'cause let's face it, 65 or not, he is one damned fine man. Seriously, though, favorite moment? When they're on the motorcycle and Mutt's all like "Yeah, this is awesome!" and Indy gives him that dirty look, which is the *exact same look* Henry Jones Sr. gave Indy in the Last Crusade, under similar circumstances. Well-played, boys. XD Best commented moment? Karasu, who had not read all the articles about the movie, leans over and asks near the beginning, "What country is she supposed to be from?" (She meaning Cate Blanchett.) To which I said, "The Rocky and Bullwinkle series." .....come on. She sounded *just* like Natasha.

(Why were there aliens why why whhhhhhyyyy..... *cry*)

PS: For those who usually see me on AIM, I'm going down to Sierra Vista for the long weekend, so I won't see y'all for a day or two. ^_^

left my apartment for once, triptastic

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