(no subject)

May 18, 2008 11:43

Drive-by real life update!

Work is going a little better. I successfully completed my first employee review, and if I'm not totally thrilled about how it went, at least I survived with no major scarring, which is really all I can ask for. I talked some financial stuff over with my dad and apparently the business is doing well enough that I can stop feeling guilty if I finish my work a little early and wind up surfing the internet while I was for five o'clock to roll around. So, woot. Life goes on, la la la.

It is 94 degrees here at 11:30 AM and that is *too fucking hot*. I really hate this state.

As stated earlier, Iron Man is now one of my favorite movies of all time. I need to see it again.

Prince Caspian: I liked it. I actually hated the book and never read past the first two chapters of Dawn Treader, so I went into the movie with fairly low expectations. I'm still not sure how I feel about the rest of the series, but oh well. We shall see. In the meantime, I will hold a special place in my heart for Edmund, because he is made of hearts. Also, Trumpkin. Ha ha ha, Trumpkin is awesome.

Speaking of movies, someone should send the music industry a memo: I would be a lot more likely to spend money on CDs instead of downloading them if I could ever find the ones I wanted. I went to three different stores trying to find the Iron Man soundtrack before I finally gave up and just downloaded it. So, if they come bitching to me, I'll bitch right back. .....yeah.

I have been writing nothing in particular except a random FIG sidestory that occurs post-FIG in which Ian meets a girl named Iris, who's a hacker who totes a Beretta and is generally awesome.

Washing machine is fixed, but dipshit maintenance men didn't actually put it back into its place in the closet and it's too heavy to move myself, which makes me very cranky. But at least it works, so I don't have to buy myself more underwear.

That is all!

why do i live in the desert, left my apartment for once, big bad world, boredom makes me random, wah wah wah

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