Moxie update

May 06, 2013 21:48

It's getting close to the end.

The mass has consumed a large section of his jaw and cheek, back to about where his whiskers are. His tongue hangs out a little all the time now, and he's been obsessively cleaning. Maybe because his mouth is uncomfortable? I don't know, but it also seems like he can't close his mouth all the way.

He's lost a lot of weight. You can feel his vertebrae and his hip bones. He eats, but I think it's too hard to eat well. He's started hiding sometimes, too. But he's still good-natured and wants scritches. He's always kind of wet and smelly, but we do our best to love him up anyway.

At this point, I'm of the opinion that we don't need to wait until he's clearly suffering. He's uncomfortable, and we know it's not going to get any better. Jay's resisting, though, so it may be another week or so.


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moxie, health: cats

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