(no subject)

Sep 06, 2006 00:36

my dad woke me up yesterday morning to look after the shop so he could run some errands. with merely four hours of sleep it was an immense struggle to get up. i made negoitations with the snooze function, whom i have a love hate relationship with, and managed to squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep till i gathered all the mental energy i could muster up to snap out of the sleep induced stupor and lug my body from the aura of warmth and into the morning freshness.

i managed to lackadasically haul myself downstairs and that was when i realised that there was no way i could make it to work later that night without a brief nap during the afternoon, so i decided to give my chiropratic appointment a miss in lieu of some much needed shut eye.

i dailed the numbers on my mobile phone and after a few rings was delighted to hear the generic but pleasent greetings from raylee (the secretary). i explained to her that i wouldnt beable to make the booking for today and will have to reschedul for wednesday 6 pm and she pleasently obliged and proceeded to note that she will no longer be in afternoons and a new person will be replacing her.

after inquiring on the shift change, she revealed that she actually in the process of resigning due to her relocating to sydney to persue her writting aspirations. still somewhat groggy, i tried to express that id miss her absense and thought she was the best darn receptionist a guy could have but instead inarticulately mumbled a string of nonsense that expressed my feelings but unfortunately i think the only person taht could fathom such jibberish was myself.

but fortuntely she did pick up on the dissapointment in my tone of voice and after my brief moment of incoherency said shed write her email down and get someone to pass it on to me the next time i visited. i told her that would be good and with that ceased our correspondance.

as i hung up i wondered if she was going to give her email out of pity or becaues she genuinely wanted to keep in contact. i know it sounds silly but over the brief period that weve gotten to get aquainted i do feel like ive developed an affinity towards her, although im not sure if its reciporcated.

i realised that i dont even really know her, only from the brief little conversations that develop while im waiting for the bill to be processed. although i do feel she is this genueinly lovely person. very worldy and highly articulate, almost like this older sister that i wished i had. she wrote a list for me of the books that she adores and recommended that id pick them up and i will slowly but surely read every one them. i decided to start off with the time travellers wife, right after im finished with the ever so riveting, count of monte cristo.

its odd how i let myself develop such frivlous attachments to those i dont even really know. i cultivate these silly crushes that i know will never amount to anything but at the same time distance myself from relationships that could potentially develop into something real. its much more safe, admiring someone from a distance and like the song goes, everything looks perfect from far away. something will have to change but im glad there are so many lovely people around.
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