Here's the info for my upcoming show...
"Lysistrata" by Aristophanes
April 14-17, 2005
Thursday - Saturday at 8pm, Sunday at 2pm
Washtenaw Community College Towsley Auditorium
Adults: $19, Students/Seniors: $17. Thursday only: All seats $13
If you need driving directions, or other info, visit the following link:
Apr 06, 2005 06:00
my hair, that is. i had to get it all chopped off for a play that i'm doing. so now it's REALLY short. I'm talking military-esque short. i'm able to spike the top of it slightly, which is pretty sweet. i also got some new clothes that give me a punk appeal, rather than my worn out grunge look. i'm pretty sure i'm going to dye my hair after the show
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blah blah,