Jul 01, 2008 20:32

Oh mannnnn my flight to France is tomorrow at 1:20pm!!! I'm so excited, of course I'm at a loss as to what I should pack.. I'm almost done but ugh. I'm sure I'll forget something or wake up in the middle of the night and be all WAH! I FORGOT XYZ!" Plus of course I'll have trouble fitting into my suitcase even though it's almost twice as big as the one I had last year. Christ it's gonna be such a burden. :I I take way too much clothes, my inner Hygiene-Nazi dictates I should only wear each shirt/pair of undies/pair of socks once before washing, so yeah. But 1/3 of my suitcase is presents. Though taking those out won't help since I'll be coming back with a million bottles of alcohol anyway.

My laptop came back today, just in time for my absence! Oh well, turns out the disk was busted... so. Yeah. *rolls eyes* And I can't open www.mozilla.com so that's a bit worrisome and pisses me off. I couldn't even download Firefox, I had to use some old installer.

Yesterday was my last day of work! It was blissssss. My friends from work threw a little goodbye party for me today. I got some cute presents, 2 books and some adorable jewellery! My inner creativity started telling me it would be a surprise party with cake and balloons and stuff. I-I kind of get carried away. lol

Just... ignore my face, please. I couldn't get it to look normal so iI just covered it, except my hand looks equally retarded and holy shit my palms are so wrinkled! lol

I wonder how many people will take offense over that "fag" bit.

Anyway guys have an awesome July, I'm off for 3 weeks tomorrow! I plan to have a blast impending period notwithstanding *packs 20 million tampons* TMI! I have this super painful zit under my lip, you can't see it yet but it HURTS. Oh man. I'm starting to stress a bit, I hate waiting at the Etiuda cheap-flights terminal in Warsaw, it's the fucking shittiest little shack-for-a-terminal EVER. I swear it looks like the type of building you'd find abandoned butcher shops in. Ugh. I must take a photo, it's emabarassingly small for an international terminal. Though who am I kidding, I get what I pay for.

Anyway, goodbye kiddies, love you much and have fun. :*

Oh shit gotta pack my meds!
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