Yes, this is a
tGA related entry, so it'll deal with stuff about the RP over there. Anyway, I really need to ask a question regarding a certain matter, so please bear with me. =P
So there's this guy at tGA who posted a character profile for the RP. It turned out he wanted to make his character a demigod, which is of course forbidden because the only playable races are human, elf and dwarf (and the hybrids of those races e.g. half-elf).
I thought that maybe my information wasn't clear enough and that the guy just misunderstood the rules for some reason and chose a demigod. I suggested some changes to his character (no potions that prolong one's life etc.), but I emphasized the fact that he should change his race into one of the playable races instead of a freaking demigod who would be too over-powered for the RP.
Well, the guy does what he's told, and everything looks fine and dandy as I see he replaced demigod with a human in the profile. However, as I read through his profile, I realized something had gone horribly wrong. It turns out he hadn't edited the background info and still had the potion AND the demigod stuff mentioned. I, of course, wondered why, and first I thought maybe he'd forgotten to edit the background info. Then, however, I noticed his comment on the changes, and I nearly spat the Coke I was drinking onto the screen.
For reference, here's my comment before the changes were made (I've bolded the important stuff):
"The three playable races are human/dwarf/elf and their hybrids. No demigods or potions that prolong one's life are allowed. However, you could RP a human who thinks he's a demigod even though he isn't. This means you'll have to tweak the background info a bit. Anyway, please replace demigod with one of the three races."
And here's what he wrote in response to my comment (I've bolded the important stuff):
"Clarified a few things, didn't mean to imply he still had the potion in effect. I'll go with you're idea, he isn't a demigod, but is descended of a god (for story purposes only, I have no idea WHICH god, only it couldn't have been anyone important). I THINK that fixes everything for now."
As you can see, the guy once again misunderstood me:
First,he didn't seem to understand the bit about "no potions that prolong one's life are allowed" and instead he just stated that he'd used the potion prior to the story to prolong his life already. Technically it's still breaking the rule, and it just doesn't serve any purpose at all.
Second, although he understood the "no demigods" bit in some way, he still claims that his character is descended from a god which is not allowed, because if we accepted such, we'd have to accept the existence of demigods as well, which of course is not allowed for obvious reasons.
So, my questions go: Should I have clarified things a bit more, because it seems this guy misunderstood me once again? Do you think I was unclear, or does this guy simply NOT GET IT?
I'm frustrated, and I just want to hear what others think. Maybe it was a mistake on my part, or maybe some people just... bleh. I can finally see what Raistlin meant when he once explained to me the horrors of certain members who argued with him over and over again about trivial matters. xD
So, what do you think?
I hate to rant, but sometimes things simply get more complicated than they should be.