MRI results ...

Dec 04, 2009 15:42


According to my podiatrist, the MRI on my ankle shows that I've torn two ligaments almost clean through. He said he wants me to have surgery to fix it.

But my ankle feels absolutely fine.

And I'm not talking an "It's numb so I don't feel pain" fine. I mean, I can walk on it with all my weight, I can move it in a normal range of motion (point, flex, side-to-side), I don't have anything other than a slight twinge which, I assume, is normal for a severe sprain. If I had two badly torn ligaments, wouldn't I, you know, FEEL IT?!

So I'm going in on Monday to see if I've developed spontaneous healing powers or (more likely) if the MRI techs read my MRI wrong OR got it swtiched with someone else.

One thing is for damn sure--I am NOT going in for any damn surgery until I've had another MRI AND a second opinion.
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