
May 25, 2013 14:31

The 1920s beaded bag book arrived yesterday. It's mostly crocheted, but has some very pretty knitting patterns. A few use a purse frame, which I have one of and have forgotten what plans I initially had for it. I wonder if there's any chance I can bead the dress and knit a purse before Costume College? Very likely not!

Anyway, the instructions are quite interestingly phrased, but figure outable. Many of the bead designs are done by sliding however many beads. In true early knitting book style, they don't explain what this is. Now, obviously, you slide beads and then knit, and you can see how beads are strung across and not knit into period purses. But how does that not make loopy fringe (like the pattern I'll probably make which has very nifty loopy fringe on it)?

So, I went back to Etsy and looked up 1920s beaded purses. And found one that wasn't lined, and was damaged (stitches coming out up top!) and priced accordingly. So it's on its way to me now! The seller said it's crocheted, but it's not--it's garter stitch, which you can tell by not just the stitch, but by the way it's (eek!) running. And no lining, so you can see the back. Needless to say, I'm quite excited :)

This does break my no new antique thing, but it's small, so it doesn't really count :)

Also, I bought a bead spinner/threader thingie. I really hope it works. Because I have millions--millions!!!--of beads to thread soon.

And in Flickr news, not only has the new site crashed Firefox, it crashed the browser on my tablet. Twice. The first time it was trying to initialize the "tuna blaster" and froze everything. So yeah, I'm kind of not happy with the new Flickr at all. Boo.

antiques, books, 1920s beaded purse

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