Doctor Who 2009 Specials Spec (WARNING: SPOILERS)

Apr 17, 2008 14:15

So I've been seeing all sorts of theories about who's going to be the companion for the 2009 Doctor Who specials, some of them more spoilery than others and some of them lots more crackish than others, and I've come up with a highly unlikely crack theory of my own that I'm hoping will catch on.

Namely, Sarah Jane.


1) SJA is currently filming two series back-to-back, presumably to be aired in 2008 and 2009, leaving the SJA cast open in 2009 for other projects. Why would they do this? Clearly, it was specifically to free up Lis Sladen for filming the main show in 2009. Obviously.

2) Recent New Who S4 spoilers have given us pictures of Lis Sladen on set, so she's definitely there for the Kitchen Sink Finale, at the very least. And it wouldn't be hard to segue from that into the 2009 specials, would it? NO, IT WOULD NOT.

3) I've been informed by airie_fairy (THANK YOU!) that, while there have been pictures leaked of what could possibly be interpreted as goodbye scenes for Jack, Mickey, Martha (walking away from Ten, upon which the rumors of Mickey and Martha joining Torchwood have been based, IIRC) and Rose (on a beach, not crying, thank god), NO SUCH PICTURES EXIST FOR SARAH JANE. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

4) David Tennant and Lis Sladen have mad chemistry, yo. You would have to be insane to deny this. Obviously, TPTB have noticed and decided that something must be done to capitalize upon it as soon as possible.

5) Sarah Jane won the SFX Favorite Companion poll by an amount of votes that was more than Rose (#2) and Martha (#3) combined. And it was not a surprise. Clearly, TPTB would want to capitalize upon this popularity, as well, because SARAH JANE = RATINGS. Yes.

6) Lis Sladen said in an interview once that, if the Doctor asked Sarah Jane to go with him again, she thinks Sarah Jane would make sure the kids were fine and then "Bye-bye!" THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE. There was an adorable little wave to go with it and everything. Yes, I know it's a reach, but IT'S MY THEORY, I CAN REACH IF I WANT TO.

SO. Add this all up together, and it spells SARAH JANE IN THE TARDIS, OH YES. And she's taking Luke with her, because Thomas Knight will be 16 in 2009 and thus old enough to film full-time, and OMG TEN-LUKE-SJS TEAM TARDIS HOW CUTE WOULD THAT BE OMG? Again, yes.

The only downside here is that she'd have to leave Mr. Smith, Clyde, Maria and Alan behind to babysit the Earth, because otherwise she'd worry, and also K9 would have to continue to orbit his black hole because of licensing issues, so sad. Clyde and Luke would miss each other terribly, I know, but hey, that's what fanfic's for.

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