SJA is starting on the Sci-Fi Channel on Friday! Which, at this point, is tomorrow, as I have stayed up far too late tonight and now it isn't tonight anymore. But I don't care, because SJA tomorrow, EEEEEEE! I am absurdly excited about this, despite the fact that I don't even get the Sci-Fi Channel. But I don't care! It's going to be on US TV! Yay!
I was going to make my excited post of excitement tomorrow about how everyone ever should be watching this show, but it turns out I'm going to be out of town tomorrow, and also everyone has heard me pimp SJA all over the place before and is probably really bored of it by now. Therefore, I just have a few little things for first-time viewers:
Things To Remember While You Are Watching SJA
-- Ignore the dodgy sexist subtext in "Invasion of the Bane". It was, after all, co-written by RTD; once he stopped caring about the show in order to give New Who and Torchwood more of his personal attention, all that went away, and the show got straight down to the business of being really really good.
-- Also, the original version of Mrs Wormwood is way better than her cheap knockoff from "Partners in Crime", no matter how hard the new chick tried to live up to her. Sorry, new chick, you're just outclassed on this one. This isn't really something to remember so much as an observation, but still.
-- The actor who plays Clyde is in his 20's. You may want to remember that when he has UST with Sarah Jane, it helps a lot. Not that he can help it, of course, since she can have UST with a sentient fireplace, among other relatively inanimate objects, but you may want to remember that, anyway.
-- On the other hand, though, you may want to forget that during every single scene he has with Luke ever. Believe me, you just do. Don't fight the OTP, things are easier when you don't resist. (They bump fists! And talk about their feelings! So cute OMG!)
-- Try not to think about how all these fourteen-year-old kids have been written with more depth and maturity and complexity and age-appropriate behavior than pretty much any main character in New Who or Torchwood so far, it only gets depressing.
-- Do try, however, to imagine all the scenarios in which they would handily pwn Team Torchwood to the ends of the Earth and back, and still be home for tea with time left over to finish that big history essay. It's fun!
-- And, of course, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, WATCH THE PREVIEWS! Unless they got changed for the Sci-Fi Channel, they always give away way too much. >:(
Things You Will Learn While Watching SJA
-- Shows with evil nuns are good. Shows with kinky evil nuns who tie people up are even better. Shows with kinky evil nuns who tie people up and also make threatening remarks about solving a problem like Maria are the best thing ever OMG.
-- Sarah Jane can turn girls gay.
-- The Slitheen can actually be made tolerable in certain situations. Shocking, I know, but there it is.
-- Maria's Hot Dad? Really quite hot, actually, yes.
-- Luke has the most adorkable arm-flaily run ever in the history of the world, and it is well worth sticking through to the very end of the series just to see it.
-- That is totally Mr Smith's startup music. He actually makes that sound as he comes bursting out of the chimney, it's not the incidental music at all, I swear.
-- Although, speaking of incidental music, if you listen very closely during Clyde's line about being Luke's Obi-Wan, the background music sounds almost exactly like the very beginning of the Force Theme from Star Wars. And this one isn't really something you learn, I just wanted to mention it because it makes me giggle and I think it's brilliant.
-- And, of course, you will learn the main lesson of the show, which is that sixty-year-old women make the best action heroes. Because they do. Or, at least, Sarah Jane does. XD
And, of course, ICONS!
(Most of these were made some time ago, BTW, but I hadn't gotten around to posting them, sorry. Also, the last three are off of screencaps from Luke's video diaries from the official BBC website, which are made of love and joy and must be watched by everyone as soon as possible. So cute OMG!)
So have fun watching, and DON'T WATCH THE PREVIEWS. I cannot stress that enough, seriously. Also, LUKE/CLYDE OTP OMG! ♥