Update, part two

Jun 12, 2012 01:00

You know a job is really, really horrible and your co-workers are cheap when they stretch your 'two weeks notice' into 4 weeks. No seriously, they can do that under the premises that 'you're-training-your-replacement-who-has-yet-to-arrive". Fucking non-profits.

I'm finally out the freakin' door and running fast from the place that has consumed so much of my life. Does this mean I have free time yet? Hell no, lol.

I'm back in school for 3 weeks, taking a summer class. I have my big guy Louie to take care of and a shiny new laptop to piss me off. I have the will to write by no inspiration. I have a ton of new fandoms I'm going bonkers over and a few I might consider writing for.

All and all, I'm me again....... with my big buddy who is enjoying his new home away from the crazy place.

blah, update

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