Real Life Update.. or why I'm becoming sane again lol

May 06, 2012 15:25

And now, and update on the MIA woman who owns this journal. (Rant under the cut)

It's my firm belief that when politics enter a workplace, things get screwy.

Friday, I handed in my two weeks notice from the ranch I've been working at for 4 years. I've happily worked at that place for 3 years and 4 months without a single complaint. 8 months ago, when a trusted employee bailed on us without a word as to why, I took her job because I felt I owed my co-workers something. Little did I know that job would cost me my sanity.

The ranch I worked for has now split into two factions (thanks to politics in the work place and a despite between the two owners) and for the past 5 months, I've been pulling my hair out and giving up all aspects of my free time in order to please several boss that honestly couldn't give a fuck and not receiving any vacation time because I'm too busy covering for my co-workers. I've had no time to work my horses and I've actually ended up loosing Blaze back to his owner (since he was owned by the boss that split on us) and I was forced to turn Magic over to someone else since my job consumed all of my waking hours.

After 8 months of working a part time job that demanded full time hours with shit pay, that cost me 2 semesters of school, 8 months of sanity, I've turned in my two weeks notice and decided to leave. When you start hating the thing that used to get you out of bed in the morning, its time to leave.

So, come this fall, I'll be in school full time and have more time to myself and my one remaining horse, Louie, who I'm going to take with me when I leave since I fronted all the bills for him myself. I've missed my free time, I've missed spending time with my family, I miss working with horses because I enjoy it, I miss my LJ and my good fic buddies and I want my degree before I'm 30.

Long story short, I have free time again. FUCK YEAH!
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