Title: Magical Assistance
Pair: Sakuraiba
Genre: Romance....? Some kind of magic au?
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Contains some magic use that is somewhat similar to drugging.
Summary: Sho really really likes Aiba. So much that he seeks magical help to like Aiba less.
Note: A birthday present for
laurachan2. I'm sorry this wasn't done before you went to bed ;_; (
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I'll try to write it again, but I probably won't be able to get my mind to work so greatly again *double-sob*
It's for moments like this that I have to have a Sakuraiba icon!
For reasons unbeknownst to myself lately I have only come across fics with either an angsty or otherwise upsetting / depressing set-up. That's one more reason why I loved and enjoyed reading this so much :D
It's hard to pick some but I do have some favourite lines here.
and shy if caught him doing something embarrassing.
How lucky that he does that on a very regular basis. But it's certainly one endearing quality in Aiba being so adorably cute when embarassed.
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However, I absolutely love this story! If I every doubte why I love your Sakuraiba sooooo much, I just have to get back to this :)
Thanks for sharing this~ If you do feel inspired for a continuation, sidestory, whatever, rest assured that you will have at least one reader being overjoyed ;) If not... well I'll live *sighs dramatically* Just joking. This is lovely and it made my day (well night actually).
Lj must know that you leave the best comments because lj likes to take all good things away from us. *kicks lj* Thank you for taking all the trouble to write it twice *hugs it and you forever*
(I do so love your Sakuraiba icon <3) I haven't had time to read fic in years, but maybe there is currently an angst/depressing trend going on? Angst is also somewhat easier to write so I don't blame the authors XD ( ... )
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