Day 18: Openers (video heavy)

Apr 27, 2011 19:09

Not a lot to update on. My brain refuses to be cooperative for writing, and my husband came home from work today because he's still sick. Of course, he doesn't want to see a doctor, either. -_- Men!

Day 18 - Favorite Final Fantasy opening sequence.
Once again it's a tie! XIV and VII, for completely different reasons that are likely already apparent (awesomeness and nostalgia). I wish I could show you guys a video with my character as the PC from Limsa's XIV opener, but I'm hesitant about using fraps. So have this HD video using a similar character (also, this is the official benchmark so it cuts out things like where you have to run around the ship and fight the jellyfish yourself):

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Leviathan and pirates = Kory's a happy camper. Here are a couple of screenshots of my own character from the opening. :) || (And yes, this is only if you start in Limsa Lominsa. Gridania and Uldah have their own opening sequences, I just wasn't quite as impressed.)

And, of course, VII's (taken from the ending of Crisis Core):

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I love the little details they tacked onto this (like Cloud honoring the Buster Sword), and--ah--such great memories. The compilation of VII works so well in my eyes; I love it. ♥

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This opening is so abstract, but it really works for the game as a whole (at least from the perspective of someone who had to play the game twice to get what the fuck was going on). Plus I really love Seifer, and the rivalry between him and Squall. I think that, if there's any point where Squall actually seems like a teenage kid, it's in his need to be better than Seifer. And his awkwardness around Rinoa, but meh. Who cares about Rinoa! (Especially when Squall has Bartz! *hit*)

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As cool as X's starts out, I always end up laughing at Tidus by the end of it. Pff, so funny. In other news, Auron is badass. Ah, I love him so. Neither age nor death can keep me from being enamored with him. ♥

I really want to put XII's here, cause, well, BASCH. But I just can't. I can't do it. D: The opening was beautiful and Basch was a sexy beast, but seeing Ashe's love story end before the game even began was disheartening. Then there were all those times when I wondered if I had stuck Star Wars or FFXII into my PS2... Yeah. Ugh.

If I'm going for graphically stunning:

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And well, Sazh. ♥

And of course this fits into the visually stunning category as well:

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Garnet's dress and Vivi? Instant win.

The rest!
Day 19 - Best Final Fantasy outfit.
Day 20 - Best Final Fantasy hair.
Day 21 - Favorite Final Fantasy pairing/ship.
Day 22 - Favorite Final Fantasy summon.
Day 23 - Least Favorite Final Fantasy mini game.
Day 24 - Best Final Fantasy quote.
Day 25 - Final Fantasy game you plan on playing (old or new).
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Final Fantasy moment.
Day 27 - Best Final Fantasy storyline.
Day 28 - First Final Fantasy game obsession.
Day 29 - Current Final Fantasy game obsession.
Day 30 - Saddest Final Fantasy character death.

I'm hoping my brain will be more cooperative as the day goes on...

Oh, and also, I can't wait until the "Royal Wedding" is over. It's all we hear about on the news anymore! HERE! Halfway around the world. Ugh. Sorry to any of my UK friends who are really psyched for the wedding (if there are any), but uuuugh. The US doesn't need 24-hour wedding coverage for 3 weeks. -_-;


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