Does the Cam IC list break the Org?

May 08, 2009 09:03

I've listened (read) the comments people have made and I only have this to say:

Without the IC Cam list, how the hell would we know of any 'official decree' or 'fubbar' of idiots not playing genre. I mean really, how many times has some complete dunderhead popped up on the Cam list, spouted a bunch of crap, insulted a huge amount of people (cus apparently they can do that in their game without HARPY reprecussions) and then get supposedly 'smacked down' and still not blink an eye? Without this IC information, NPCs and PCs cannot act to renforce genre into games that are not playing to proper standard, thusly keeping such crazy ass games under control? Ya we all like being whacky-carefree-Brujah-esque-mouth-breathers once and a while, but how many of these antognistic PCs are popping up willy-nilly all over the place who exude disrespect simply because they think they are safe at their fucking computer and can type like a sailor who has never touched a woman in 10 years (get out of your parent's basement you Lubriderm and Kleenix wanker!).

I have seen the Cam list get used like it was the Rant list a number of times. Hell, I've seen the Gangrel list over the past 7 years get used as though they were a bunch of Anarch Brujah (however it is not as bad as it was 6 years ago). And ya, I was on the Rant list as an ST for all of a week once 6 years ago and it nearly broke my mind.

Does it break the org? Yes and no. Yes, as we wil always have wankers wanking their wankity wankified sheet and hoping the hell their STs will protect them flimsy piece of paper from over baring 'respect nazis'. And no, as without the Cam list we would never know these crank-monkey-genre-breaking-cum-guzzlers exist.

Copy and paste and quote me at will as I could give a rat's ass.
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