korn_lotr_luver Nov 28, 2010 23:13
akamaru, omg, yabadabadoo, hey-oh, maru, xoxo, car shrimp nero shrimp, ignore me but not really, i have a tag for every letter, hokay so, nakamaru yuichi, why tho?, fajklfdlas, major freak-out session, why am i still here?, jin, jinru, ohoho, ai rabu maru, lol, i make tags when i'm bored, good god, blab, random, cracktastic, fangasm, otp, akanishi jin, can i just, idek, la di da, there is a lack of sanity here, i do not understand myself, um what, obsession, ai rabu jin, hnnnnnng, nakanishi, je has taken over my life
korn_lotr_luver Jun 21, 2009 13:26
jinru, drabble
korn_lotr_luver Mar 29, 2009 16:33
nakakame, im pro at procrastinating, icons, jinru